AOBPMR- osteopathic board cert

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Sep 3, 2022
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There are only a couple old threads on this, and those were all pre-ACGME/AOA accreditation merger..

I signed up for AOBPMR boards. Residents from my program have only done ABPMR boards as far as I know. AOBPMR's website on exam content is a bit more vague than ABPMR ('special populations, 20%?'... umm ok) Would anyone who's taken AOBPMR boards recently care to share their thoughts on the exam? How the questions compared to like AAPMR Qbank, SAEs, or PMRRecap Qbank questions? How technical the ole OMT questions got? Did you feel like it went terrible once you finished (similar to how it sounds everyone felt after ABPMR's latest Part I)?

Feel free to DM me if you'd rather do that than post.

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I don’t think there are many people who take that exam. As an osteopathic, I took ABPMR. I looked into the osteopathic exam at the time but never really thought it was the best option. I’d be curious to know why you paid to take that vs ABPMR? Is it even a good exam? People complain enough about ABPMR, I can’t imagine the headache and fuss by adding in the OMT options on questions.

ABPMR board certification is widely accepted. I am not sure about the universal acceptance of AOBPMR. I know if you want to do fellowship training there can be issues. It always seemed weird to have this exam especially as there isn’t any new OMT to learn in PMR residency besides what had been already tested in COMLEX and other tests. Unless they came up with some way to treat spasticity with Chapman points. (And I’m not saying omt isn’t useful in our patient population).

Sorry, I know I didn’t answer your question…
I took and passed the AOBPMR . OMT questions were basic. I took it because the ABPMR oral exam is a racket. THE AOBPMR exam when I took it 10 years ago was over one weekend in the same location. Written on Friday and oral on Saturday(maybe this changed). Exam was also a lot cheaper. Got the results in 2 weeks.
AOBPMR is as widely accepted as ABPMR. No issues with fellowship training, getting credentialed. I have some quite a few depos and trials and no one has asked me why AOBPMR.
The exam questions were fair. I took it in 2013 and have to recertify next year. I personally wanted to support by Osteopathic organizations and would do it the same way again.
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Maybe you had information I couldn’t find. How do you get board certified in brain injury, SCI or pediatrics with AOBPMR? I only see pain and sports offered and other requirements need ABPMR.

I did like that the osteopathic board could be done a lot quicker and didn’t take a year to get. I think people have done the cost logic before and Osteopathic is cheaper in the short term but more expensive long term.
I am not seeking board certification in SCI, peds or TBI or was not a concern. No idea how the cost logic works. It is $750 for the written and $750 for the oral.