Part I Boards Q-Banks advice

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Jun 3, 2014
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Currently studying for the Part I boards, besides PM&R Recap and AAPMR q-bank, which other resources do y'all recommend? I just can't stand reading the big red book. Is there any tips or tricks one can do 20 days before the exam to make a difference?

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Currently studying for the Part I boards, besides PM&R Recap and AAPMR q-bank, which other resources do y'all recommend? I just can't stand reading the big red book. Is there any tips or tricks one can do 20 days before the exam to make a difference?
90% is out of the fine details of the red book. There are allegedly anki flashcards
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AAPM&R has good questions. I went with those.
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PM&R recap is a waste at this stage in my opinion. It just covers the basics - if you don't know that by the time you're taking boards you have bigger issues.

j4pac is right that if you want to study something to set you apart, the red book details hold the key, though this close to boards may be too late to really learn all the minutiae. But remember, you don't have to do amazing on the test, you just have to beat 5-10% of your peers. There's only a limited number of resources out there. Use the resources everyone else is using (pick a couple at this stage), lean back on what was hopefully good residency training, and you'll likely be fine unless you're a terrible test taker.
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Also, this. Past performance can predict future performance
Can help you align your past SAE performance with chances of passing.