online upper division physiology course

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UC Davis Class of 2012
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Jan 14, 2008
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Does anyone know of an on-line upper division physiology course? I still have this requirement to fufill and really want to take it on-line. I found one at Johns Hopkins, but it is so $$$$! All the others I have found do not qualify as upper division.

Any suggestions? Anyone taken the Johns Hopkins one?


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Breyer State University (BIO 300 or something like it). If you need this to fulfill the requirement for UC Davis by any chance, I've already run it by them and they approved it (it was actually their suggestion as I was at my wits end trying to find one that met all their criteria). You can also start it at any time, so if you want to wait until you've heard back on admissions from whichever school you need it for, you can. It's totally self-paced. Good luck!
Breyer State University (BIO 300 or something like it). If you need this to fulfill the requirement for UC Davis by any chance, I've already run it by them and they approved it (it was actually their suggestion as I was at my wits end trying to find one that met all their criteria). You can also start it at any time, so if you want to wait until you've heard back on admissions from whichever school you need it for, you can. It's totally self-paced. Good luck!

Wow. VAgirl - you totally rule. I might love you. :love: It's for the Davis requirement, among others....
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:D Glad to be of assistance.
Hey VAgirl,

Did you end up actually taking this class? Mind if I ask how it was? I'm applying to Davis this upcoming summer and need to take it amongst ten million other weird classes for Western.
Hey VAgirl,

Did you end up actually taking this class? Mind if I ask how it was? I'm applying to Davis this upcoming summer and need to take it amongst ten million other weird classes for Western.

Yes, I am taking it. I posted my feelings on the course in another recent thread. But in case you don't want to hunt for it, to summarize, it's fine for fulfilling a requirement. As an actual course that one takes to learn the material, I find it lacking since you just read sections of the book and take open book multiple choice exams. One could get the same out of it for $450 less by doing it on their own, but that doesn't put it on a transcript and fulfill a requirement. So through the motions I go.:rolleyes: end on a less negative note, though, it's not too pricey, starts whenever (not tied to a semester/quarter start date), totally online (no proctors needed, etc.), at your own pace. So in terms of flexibility and convenience, it can't be beat.
I can second VAgirl's sentiments. I am currently taking it (thanks to her) and really, it just gets the job done. The pros are that I can do it whenever I want, from the comfort of my couch, and it fulfills the requirement. The cons are that I don't feel like I am learning a lot, which makes me kind of nervous.... I have a tough time learning from just a textbook. I know this is really interesting stuff that I would love and totally absorb if only I were in a classroom with a great teacher and some other cool students. But again, it gets the job done, which at this point is key.

Best of luck!!
The website seems a little hokey, is this school legit?

"Breyer State University is not accredited by an accreditation agency approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Such approval is a voluntary process, and in fact, the U.S. Department of Education states that accreditation itself is a voluntary process."

Seems like a diploma mill to me.
The website seems a little hokey, is this school legit?

"Breyer State University is not accredited by an accreditation agency approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Such approval is a voluntary process, and in fact, the U.S. Department of Education states that accreditation itself is a voluntary process."

Seems like a diploma mill to me.

I wouldn't go there to earn a degree, and I would definitely check with the school you're going to/applying to to make sure they'll accept it. But UC Davis told me they will. And personally, that's all I care about. :)
Just for the record, I just got approval from Oregon State for the Breyer State class to count as an upper division phys class.

woot woot! that means no sitting through 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab everyday for three weeks this summer!
Just for the record, I just got approval from Oregon State for the Breyer State class to count as an upper division phys class.

woot woot! that means no sitting through 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab everyday for three weeks this summer!

That's good. It's definitely less annoying than having to go to class if your schedule is full (if you're working full time or something). However, it's also much less interesting than a real class. No lectures, you just read the book (I think it's actually a rather poor text) and then take poorly written exams. The exams are open book, though, and if you're just looking to fulfill a req, go for it.
Yep, I mostly just need it for the req. The class I would take this summer is Human A&P and I just finished an anatomy class so I'd rather not have to repeat it, plus now I can focus on shadowing (and riding!) for those three weeks, and it frees up time to study for the GRE, and all of the reviews I read for the summer prof sounded pretty awful and would be about twice as expensive so this online class, even if dreadfully boring, has way more pros than cons for me!
Yep, I mostly just need it for the req. The class I would take this summer is Human A&P and I just finished an anatomy class so I'd rather not have to repeat it, plus now I can focus on shadowing (and riding!) for those three weeks, and it frees up time to study for the GRE, and all of the reviews I read for the summer prof sounded pretty awful and would be about twice as expensive so this online class, even if dreadfully boring, has way more pros than cons for me!

Me too, just thought I'd share. :)
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Anyone out there know of any alternatives to the Breyer State class? I can't figure out if Iowa is going to accept it or not, and want to cover all my bases before signing up for something. I also am having issues navigating the forum search and can't turn up any other physio threads :confused:

Someone mentioned a Johns Hopkins course... I'm having trouble finding it online... link, anyone?

Starlene, whats the trouble with determining whether Iowa will accept the course? Did you send the course info to Brenda? I sent mine via email and she got back to me within 24 hours. I think thats the fastest CVM correspondance Ive ever had--definately made a good impression on me anyway. Unlike Kansas, which hasnt responded to any of my emails. Guess they prefer phone calls. Most schools wont take my vet tech program A&P course, but Iowa gave me a :thumbup:. Woot Woot. That course was grueling. They also said they would accept the advanced A&P from SJU,(Im taking in the fall) but that course requires a general A&P pre-req so I dont know if that helps you?
Hey I did hear back from Brenda today, almost instantly, when I re-sent my email to the "admissions" email address instead of her personal email address, which I had as a reply-to from an earlier correspondence with her.

FWIW: Iowa does accept the Breyer State course... Looks like that's what I'll be taking!
Does Iowa State require an upper division physiology course? I could have sworn they didn't last year when I applied, as UC Davis was the only one I needed that course for...

Hm, weird. Maybe my memory is going.

Hey I did hear back from Brenda today, almost instantly, when I re-sent my email to the "admissions" email address instead of her personal email address, which I had as a reply-to from an earlier correspondence with her.

FWIW: Iowa does accept the Breyer State course... Looks like that's what I'll be taking!
VAGIRL, your memory isnt going. Iowa said they would accept either course for their A&P requirement. To my knowlegde they do not required an upper level A&P. I was voicing my excitement to hear that I didnt have to retake the general course (ie they accepted my tech A&P) since Im electing to take the advanced course as part of my MS program. Its been 14 years since I took anatomy and I thought the "refresher" would be good but not so heavy as say.....Virology or Endocrinology which will soon follow. Hopefully, I will get an A, which I can use to trump my first A&P ("B" :() Still not bad, but I need all the help I can get to balance my atrocious GRE score.
the worst class ever. the multiple choice questions and answer choices are poorly written (as is the text like vagirl suggested) which makes it particularly hard to decipher the correct answer. what's more is that each test has 4 typos at minimum - which makes taking the "instructor" seriously a real challenge.
the worst class ever. the multiple choice questions and answer choices are poorly written (as is the text like vagirl suggested) which makes it particularly hard to decipher the correct answer. what's more is that each test has 4 typos at minimum - which makes taking the "instructor" seriously a real challenge.

Yep, seriously awful. Though it's hard to beat the convenience of the class. Stupid, annoying, frustrating, sure. But convenient. And hey, I got an A without too much effort. Loads of frustration and swearing. I'm certainly not saying it's an easy A. An easy but painful B, yes. But you will curse the damned class every time you sit down to take a poorly written test and it takes you an entire day of hair-pulling fun and you're still not sure at the end of it what some of the questions were getting at. Ah, the good times.

And I'm still trying to get an official transcript from them. But oh well. If you're still suffering through the class, efab, you have my sympathies.
It's been a while. Anyone have any new ideas for online/correspondence physio classes other than Breyer State and Johns Hopkins (which costs a fortune)?
UC Berkeley Extension also offers it online. Expensive, but well-run and not too difficult.
va girl's struggle prompted me to call breyer state (not an easy task to get someone on the phone - try # 208-319-3676). they ran out of transcript paper due to the flood of requests around application time. they expected it to arrive today and transcripts will go out ASAP.

i am told to fax requests to 310- 242-5968 with the printed form from online at the additional information area of the website. is this how anyone else made their request??
I agree UC Berkeley's course is definitely doable. It was a bunch of worksheet type quizzes that you can use your book for and a closed book final at the end. There immunology was much different and much more difficult though. I just finished Guelph's online cell bio course and would not recommend it for future reference!
va girl's struggle prompted me to call breyer state (not an easy task to get someone on the phone - try # 208-319-3676). they ran out of transcript paper due to the flood of requests around application time. they expected it to arrive today and transcripts will go out ASAP.

i am told to fax requests to 310- 242-5968 with the printed form from online at the additional information area of the website. is this how anyone else made their request??

I mailed my first request. They got it and deposited the check, but apparently the form didn't make it to the right place. So I faxed the form (try 2) sans payment (Dr. Moran assured me that would be fine). So yes, that's the way I did it the second time. I emailed Dr. Moran a few days ago to see if she got my second request and haven't heard anything back yet. I'm not super worried because UC Davis accepted the "unofficial" version Breyer State emailed me a few months ago, but I'd like to have the official copy in case anyone decides down the road they need it.

So I don't know if faxing works better, but by mail seemed to be a poor choice. Hopefully they'll straighten it out soon.
Just FYI for anyone considering Breyer State University's course, it is one of several universities tied to a diploma mill scandal in Washington state.

Whether or not it is itself a diploma mill, it is not accredited and on June 3, 2008, lost its authority to issue degrees, according to the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization.

If Davis has accepted their class in the past, that's great, but if you're thinking of taking this class, please be sure to check with your favorite vet school again to make sure they still will.

Good luck.
FWIW I re-checked with Oregon about the Breyer State class after reading this thread, and Oregon does still accept this course, from what Patrick wrote to me, it sounds like their requirement is pretty easy to fulfill, he said you could even take it at a community college!
I'm just about to sit down and take the first exam for this Breyer State BIO 300 class and looking at all the posts about how awful they are, gotta say, I'm a little scared!
I'm just about to sit down and take the first exam for this Breyer State BIO 300 class and looking at all the posts about how awful they are, gotta say, I'm a little scared!

Bunnyslippers: how did it go? I did really well on the first five exams, but the last two I have done terribly, despite doing the reading and using the book as a reference while taking the exams (they are open-book exams after all). Anyway, I am over it. What is up with true/false questions that have half true and half false as answer choices?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how can something be "half true" or "half false"?!?!?!?!! WTF?!?!?! why even bother listing those as options?!?!?!?!?!?!

also half of the questions I cannot even figure out what she is asking, and usually I love multiple-choice tests. ARGH!!!!!!

at least i only have 3 more tests to go...
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Bunnyslippers: how did it go? I did really well on the first five exams, but the last two I have done terribly, despite doing the reading and using the book as a reference while taking the exams (they are open-book exams after all). Anyway, I am over it. What is up with true/false questions that have half true and half false as answer choices?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how can something be "half true" or "half false"?!?!?!?!! WTF?!?!?! why even bother listing those as options?!?!?!?!?!?!

also half of the questions I cannot even figure out what she is asking, and usually I love multiple-choice tests. ARGH!!!!!!

at least i only have 3 more tests to go...

She didn't send me a score and I didn't get an email receipt telling me how I did so I assume she got it and is going to grade it? Is that how it works? I feel like I should probably know this, but don't even feel bad that I don't because I have sent her several emails about the course and she has yet to respond with a direct answer to my questions. However, she will respond with totally unrelated information and then the very next day email me with instructions that randomly say the complete opposite of what she just said.

Haha, about the half true/half false answers. I saw that and was like are you freaking kidding me??? Oh, and some of the questions on the test related to material that was nowhere to be found in the book and I tried (and failed) to find the answers online. Oh well, I've already been accepted somewhere and am fine with not getting an A+++ in it if I get into Davis.

Have you interviewed at Davis yet? How'd yours go?

Edit: She just sent me my score, I got a 95. Don't see how her answers on most of those 5 are the correct ones when the textbook says otherwise but ehhh, whatever!
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She didn't send me a score and I didn't get an email receipt telling me how I did so I assume she got it and is going to grade it? Is that how it works? I feel like I should probably know this, but don't even feel bad that I don't because I have sent her several emails about the course and she has yet to respond with a direct answer to my questions. However, she will respond with totally unrelated information and then the very next day email me with instructions that randomly say the complete opposite of what she just said.

Haha, about the half true/half false answers. I saw that and was like are you freaking kidding me??? Oh, and some of the questions on the test related to material that was nowhere to be found in the book and I tried (and failed) to find the answers online. Oh well, I've already been accepted somewhere and am fine with not getting an A+++ in it if I get into Davis.

Have you interviewed at Davis yet? How'd yours go?

Edit: She just sent me my score, I got a 95. Don't see how her answers on most of those 5 are the correct ones when the textbook says otherwise but ehhh, whatever!

Don't freak out. This class sucks and she never gives a straight answer on anything. And get used to there being questions where the info just isn't in the book. Good news is it's still not too hard to do well in the class. It'll just drive you nuts if you let it.

Good luck staying sane. Maybe something that will help...I actually feel like some of the info I quasi learned in the class has been helpful in vet school so far. So there's that. Chin up, you'll make it through. :)
Yep, it's not a real school. It was recently booted out of Alabama for "selling degrees for a fee" and other shenanigans, here is the press release.

7/14/2008 - No more diploma mills: Chancellor Bradley Byrne announces new initiatives to shut down sham schools, better regulate other for-profits

MONTGOMERY – Alabama has a reputation as a good place to do business, but there’s one industry that is no longer welcome: diploma mills.

In a news conference Monday, Alabama Community College System Chancellor Bradley Byrne announced an aggressive new initiative to shut down fraudulent for-profit colleges and better regulate the legitimate ones.
“Fraudulent institutions do not belong in this state – period,”

While many of the institutions closed for legitimate reasons, some – notably Columbus University and Breyer State University – were operating apparent diploma mills and taking shameful advantage of hundreds of unsuspecting students.

Breyer State University was issued a license to operate in the state in October 2004, and was non-renewed this June. One of the institution’s many violations included conferring honorary doctorates on individuals based on life and work experience, a one-time application fee and a monetary contribution to the institution. In addition, the institution offers an unheard of self-design degree program which allows the creation of a curriculum based on mentoring.

Breyer State claimed to have 120 faculty members holding bachelor’s, graduate and post-graduate degrees, however, it was discovered that many of the faculty’s degrees did not come from accredited institutions.

Since losing its license to operate in Alabama, Breyer State moved to Idaho.

The website seems a little hokey, is this school legit?

"Breyer State University is not accredited by an accreditation agency approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Such approval is a voluntary process, and in fact, the U.S. Department of Education states that accreditation itself is a voluntary process."

Seems like a diploma mill to me.
Just had to take another moment to vent about this class, especially since I'm not going to Davis in the fall and I'm still stuck with it!

How can an answer be incorrect when there is a collection of about three paragraphs specifically stating otherwise? How about the sentence that directly says that your "correct" answer is wrong? Are you teaching some imaginary form of physiology and I just didn't get the memo? Is this the science that I'm supposed to use should the loch ness monster or a magical unicorn ever happen to walk into my clinic?

Grrrr. Sorry to complain, but I have a real problem with people who can't admit when they are wrong. I have never been one to fight over points and I'm certainly not a know-it-all, but when I ask why my obviously correct answer is somehow randomly wrong, it'd be nice if you could either give me credit for it, explain why I'm mistaken, or send me whatever ridiculous textbook you are getting some of these contradictory answers from! :mad:
Anyone else about to start the Breyer State online Physiology course? I just signed up and am hoping to start in the next week (if they send me the info!).
PM me~
Anyone else about to start the Breyer State online Physiology course? I just signed up and am hoping to start in the next week (if they send me the info!).
PM me~

I tried to get approval for this course from UC Davis but they told me they were investigating Breyer State so I am taking it elsewhere. Just make sure you received some sort of written approval for the course to fill the pre-req so that if they decide they are really no longer going to accept it that you won't run into any problems.
I tried to get approval for this course from UC Davis but they told me they were investigating Breyer State so I am taking it elsewhere. Just make sure you received some sort of written approval for the course to fill the pre-req so that if they decide they are really no longer going to accept it that you won't run into any problems.

ohhh geez-- they told us in the fall they would accept it, and I just finished it a few days ago. haven't heard anything back from them yet about not accepting it but i guess i'd better check. i don't blame them for thinking it's a sketchy course. it totally is!

regardless, i would try to avoid that breyer state class. convenient: yes, but the tests are ******ed. literally ******ed. sorry to be harsh but how can the options for a true/false question include "half true" and "half false"? and, what part of the brain is the hyporthalomus? also, a couple of the tests are stolen from other professors who have used the same text... a judicious google search will show that literally, word-for-word she has copied almost entire exams. Kinda useful, but kinda pathetic too.

LOL with that said, if anyone out there is going to take it anyway, and wants to buy the book from me, cheap, with all CD/online stuff intact and untouched, pm me!!!! There is some highlighting in the book but its in great shape.
How can an answer be incorrect when there is a collection of about three paragraphs specifically stating otherwise? How about the sentence that directly says that your "correct" answer is wrong? Are you teaching some imaginary form of physiology and I just didn't get the memo? Is this the science that I'm supposed to use should the loch ness monster or a magical unicorn ever happen to walk into my clinic?

bunnyslippers-- don't know specifically what Q you're referring to but 1. call her out on it, and 2. it might be because she stole that question from another professor, who perhaps covered aspects of physio that we, in our online world of just reading the book and answering questions, were not privy to. (see above post). i totally salvaged my grade in that class by figuring out that about 3 of the exams are "borrowed" from elsewhere online. I don't really have a problem with her doing that, but it makes it really hard when the "borrowed" questions are on material that is not in the textbook, or contradictory to the textbook.
bunnyslippers-- don't know specifically what Q you're referring to but 1. call her out on it, and 2. it might be because she stole that question from another professor, who perhaps covered aspects of physio that we, in our online world of just reading the book and answering questions, were not privy to. (see above post). i totally salvaged my grade in that class by figuring out that about 3 of the exams are "borrowed" from elsewhere online. I don't really have a problem with her doing that, but it makes it really hard when the "borrowed" questions are on material that is not in the textbook, or contradictory to the textbook.

I've found some of the questions online in my crazy online searches, but never with answers. ... Maybe I just haven't gotten to the "borrowed" exams yet though, so thanks for the heads up! I'll have to search harder. I think I remember you saying the tests get worse, when do they start getting really, really, really terrible?

I've actually called her out on several questions (I swear I'm not normally such a pain in the ass), but she always find a way to respond with gibbrish about how she's right even when I reference exactly what the text says. After four tests I've realized that it's pointless to fight it and she will never listen, maybe I hurt her ego or something, who knows. I know she's a MD and I'm just some lowly, random girl, but sometimes I feel like I know the subject better than she does.
I wouldn't worry too much about Davis accepting the Breyer course. When I communicated with Kim O'Bryan she said it was fine. Once they've accepted you, they want you. There is no reason for them to change their mind mid-cycle.

I chose to take the Berkeley extention course, and it's fine. Not a great course, but not bad. Do keep in mind though that the Upper Division Physiology course is not available on-line through Berkeley Extention. Lower division is available on-line though. Other schools might accept that but UC Davis does not. Or at least, that is what Kim O'Bryan said when I communicated with her not long ago.

Sorry the Breyer State course is so awful. I'm sure the convenience can't be beat though.
Anyone have a link for the Johns Hopkins course? No luck with google...
Anyone have a link for the Johns Hopkins course? No luck with google...

Off topic, but that like from the Terry Pratchett novels? Tee-a-tie-meh...?

(Sorry, it's late and I'm sick and punchy... :))