Organic Chemistry Lab

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Ella Shepherd

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Nov 5, 2007
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Has anyone here ever used the book "The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual, A Student's Guide to Techniques" by Zubrick? How helpful is it? I've actually read some reviews on Amazon but I'm still not so sure if I should get one or not...Thanks. :)

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Has anyone here ever used the book "The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual, A Student's Guide to Techniques" by Zubrick? How helpful is it? I've actually read some reviews on Amazon but I'm still not so sure if I should get one or not...Thanks. :)

Why? Lab is completely pointless IMO .. i believe the textbook when it says that you can form an acid chloride by reacting socl2 w. a carboxylic acid.. i don't need to do it.
I dont think lab guide books are necessary. But I've encountered quite a few o-chem lab questions on the MCAT, if that's what you are worried about, just understand the lab principle/theories.
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I guess it depends. In my lab class, we were responsible for being familiar with the material in that book because we used in instead of a lab manual, basically. It gives really detailed descriptions on how to carry out basic lab procedures and it has some really helpful tips in it. I found it useful and probably wouldn't have made it through two semesters of organic lab without it.
It really depends on how difficult orgo lab is at your school. it's pretty laid back at my school, and it was more of a fun experience than anything else. as long as I read the lab manual I was fine.

As for the MCAT, I do think reading some lab theory will be important, but I think that should be covered decently by review books.
I had bought it (it was required) before O Chem I lab. Fortunately, I bought an older version which was about 1/10 the price of the latest version. I think I opened it once to look at the descriptions of the equipment. I loaned it to someone after O chem I, and never got it back.:( However, I never missed it.

Amazon has the capability to look at most of the pages in the book, if you are patient enough to click through to randomly get the page you want.:rolleyes:

Save your money!
It's great if you've never been in a lab before - tells you how different things are supposed to be set up and how they work. In my orgo lab, we had to describe all this for pre-labs so it was a must for me. But if you know what you're doing, save your $$.
Are you talking about getting this book in addition to a lab manual for the class? Because usually the lab manual is enough to know the lab procedure, and most of the time if you're not familiar with an experimental procedure you can just google it and chances are that there will be a website explaining the experiment in detail.