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5+ Year Member
Apr 10, 2018
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While I was at a school, I was taking Orgo II but due to personal issues, I had to withdraw it. However, since it was too late to withdraw, I got an incomplete, but since I never completed the class on the time allotted, it turned into a F. I never took care of it and ended up graduating with it. Now though, I’m looking to getting that replaced but I’m not sure if it will get erased from my record. My question is, if I retake Orgo II at another school, getting a passing grade and leave the FIN in my transcript, would I still have a chance to get into Med school?

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Maybe, but what's your GPA looking like with the F?
Unfortunately, unless your undergraduate school somehow gives you grade forgiveness before applying to medical school, the F would get averaged with whatever retake grade you get on AMCAS/ AACOMAS (both MD and DO application sites now use averaging instead of replacement). For example, if you get an F the first time and an A the second time, it would average to a C.
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The F will be factored into your AMCAS gpa :( retake and make that A