OSU Class of 2025 Interview/Acceptance Thread


DDS 🦷🎓✔
Volunteer Staff
7+ Year Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Good luck everyone!

Link to last years thread: ***The Official OSU Class of 2024 Interview/Acceptance Thread***

Link to interview prep: The Ohio State University College of Dentistry Interview Feedback
----> Be sure to give feedback on your interview to help future applicants! :)

I am going to be starting this Fall with the Class of 2024. If anyone has any questions about the school or application process I will try my best to answer any questions!

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Has anyone received a conformation email from OSU after submitting? Supplemental application?
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Has anyone received a conformation email from OSU after submitting? Supplemental application?

I haven’t yet. I submitted on midnight on the 16th and AADSAS had verified my application that Friday. I’ve gotten other secondaries, but nothing from OSU.
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Same, I submitted on the 16th, verified on the 17th, but haven't received any confirmation or supplemental yet. Has anyone's status on AADSAS changed at least? Mines is still "none".
Same, I submitted on the 16th, verified on the 17th, but haven't received any confirmation or supplemental yet. Has anyone's status on AADSAS changed at least? Mines is still "none".

I just noticed my status changed to Received/Under Review but I haven't received any emails from them yet.
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What is a supplemental application? Are you referring to the additional school specific questions on the application?
What is a supplemental application? Are you referring to the additional school specific questions on the application?

The supplemental is an additional form along with a school processing fee you have to submit in order for your application to be reviewed by the admissions committees. Sometimes they do include additional essay questions, but much more often than not they just ask for additional biographic information and a fee.
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Has anyone heard anything back? This is the only school I haven't gotten any supplemental materials from so now I'm wondering if I'm missing anything in my overall app for them. :D
I also haven't heard back, and I applied on June 16. I emailed the admissions office a few days ago and they said my application was going through "screening" so I guess someone is looking at it.
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Has anyone gotten the supplemental app yet?
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Same! They said they'll send info on the supplemental apps in 5-7 business days. We're getting closer!! :')
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Got the supplemental. OOS
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So I submitted the supplemental app yesterday. This morning I woke up to an email asking me to make an account in the OSU school portal. I've not received an invite yet though; has this happened to anyone else? I don't know why they'd want me to create a student account pre-interview!
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I believe it's regular protocol as I got a similar email from another school. If they interview and accept you they would probably give full privileges to the account they had you activate in advance.

To piggyback off your question, is anyone else applying a current/former OSU undergrad student? I got the email to activate another name.dot# account even though I already have the one I'm using for undergrad and I'm not sure if I should activate the new one.
That's very interesting. I have an interview at another school and I've made no such account. Thanks for the info!
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You're welcome! It only hapenned at one other place out of the dozen or so places I applied to so I don't think it's common practice from schools. Although I can to you relate because I also read into every little communication I get from any school lol.
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Has anyone gotten any confirmation that their supplemental was received? I submitted mines the same day they sent them but on AADSAS it still says "Received/Awaiting Additional Information".
I got my supplemental on 8/19 and submitted the same day. On 8/24 I got a confirmation email saying it was received and my file complete.
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Oh, it's not your fault at all! :)

I think it's normal for them to have varying times for processing, I'm just going through the typical application cycle jitters, especially since this is my top choice lol
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Oh, it's not your fault at all! :)

I think it's normal for them to have varying times for processing, I'm just going through the typical application cycle jitters, especially since this is my top choice lol
I got my supplemental on the 20th and it was verified on the 24th as well. They said the next step is verifying I had at least 9 of the 13 required prereqs, so they could just be verifying your coursework like me! They said they would reach out when that was done.
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I got my supplemental on the 20th and it was verified on the 24th as well. They said the next step is verifying I had at least 9 of the 13 required prereqs, so they could just be verifying your coursework like me! They said they would reach out when that was done.
Thank you for the reassurance! I hope that's the case. The last communication I had from the school was the email from gpadmissions telling me to activate a buckeye account after I sent the supplemental. I haven't gotten the pre-req email so I wonder how long I should wait before contacting admissions about it. :unsure:
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Thank you for the reassurance! I hope that's the case. The last communication I had from the school was the email from gpadmissions telling me to activate a buckeye account after I sent the supplemental. I haven't gotten the pre-req email so I wonder how long I should wait before contacting admissions about it. :unsure:
I really wish I had any advice to give there... personally I would wait a week, but I have nothing to base that on.
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Has anyone gotten any confirmation that their supplemental was received? I submitted mines the same day they sent them but on AADSAS it still says "Received/Awaiting Additional Information".
I submitted my supplemental on Sunday 8/23 and received an email on 8/25 saying thank you for applying. I got an email today (8/27) about an hour ago saying my supplemental was received and now i'm under review again. I really think they're just overwhelmed with apps coming in so it might take a bit longer!
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That's what I assume is likely, with Covid turning everything upside down. Thanks for the support everyone! It's nice to have a place like this to confide with others :D
I submitted my supplemental on Sun (8/23) and I got an email today (8/27) that my application was complete and now under review for my prerequisties.... BUT when I try to relogin to OSU's application website "delegated.osu.edu", my application is gone! Is that normal or should I be concerned? I activated my old OSU dot number a couple of days ago, like one of the emails had requested.
I submitted my supplemental on Sun (8/23) and I got an email today (8/27) that my application was complete and now under review for my prerequisties.... BUT when I try to relogin to OSU's application website "delegated.osu.edu", my application is gone! Is that normal or should I be concerned? I activated my old OSU dot number a couple of days ago, like one of the emails had requested.
Are you trying to access it on buckeyelink or the supplemental portal? If it's the latter I think that's normal since supplemental app is a one time thing, and once they have it it's a part of your file. The important thing is what you get in the emails and see on AADSAS. If your app switches to "Received/Under Review" from "Received/Waiting Additional Information" that means they got it. And since you also received that app complete email they have everything they need from you. After they confirm your pre-reqs, all that's left is to wait for interviews :coffee:
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Are you trying to access it on buckeyelink or the supplemental portal? If it's the latter I think that's normal since supplemental app is a one time thing, and once they have it it's a part of your file. The important thing is what you get in the emails and see on AADSAS. If your app switches to "Received/Under Review" from "Received/Waiting Additional Information" that means they got it. And since you also received that app complete email they have everything they need from you. After they confirm your pre-reqs, all that's left is to wait for interviews :coffee:
Thanks. I was trying to access the supplemental, so that makes me feel better. And my AADSAS s says "Received/Under Review" so I think I'm good. Thanks again!!
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I submitted my supplemental application on August 24th but still haven’t heard anything. Anyone else in the same boat?
Same, I haven't got the email where they have checked the 13 pre-reqs yet. Only got the acknowledgement that the supplemental was received 1 week ago.
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Same. I’m still waiting for the notification that my “prerequisite coursework review has been completed”.
Is there anywhere to monitor the status of your application (aside from the AADSAS website) ?
Same. I’m still waiting for the notification that my “prerequisite coursework review has been completed”.
Is there anywhere to monitor the status of your application (aside from the AADSAS website) ?
I asked a friend who is at OSU now and he told me after they confirm the pre-reqs they will have no additional contact with you unless you receive an interview. So once they check pre-reqs we'll be in the dark until invites are sent. Based on the previous years they had 4 interview days of 64 people each, and they would call/email people one month in advance of the actual interview (They gave the dates). And they finished everything pre-December. Although given the situation this year, it could be completely different than what I described above. Also to answer your question, I think AADSAS is the only place you'll be able to check updates!
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I got the prerequisite review email this morning, and my application is now complete. So fingers crossed from here
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Submitted my application first day possible and have not received a supplemental. Do you think they can still send them out or are my hopes gone?

In state- 20 AA, 2.97 Overall Undergrad, 4.0 in Masters program.
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Submitted my application first day possible and have not received a supplemental. Do you think they can still send them out or are my hopes gone?

In state- 20 AA, 2.97 Overall Undergrad, 4.0 in Masters program.

They definitely can still send them. I'd contact them right away because they probably screened you out because of your undergrad GPA being below 3.0. But on their site they say they have exceptions for advanced degrees as long as you have above a 3.5 and the degree is completed.

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Submitted my application first day possible and have not received a supplemental. Do you think they can still send them out or are my hopes gone?

In state- 20 AA, 2.97 Overall Undergrad, 4.0 in Masters program.
Are you finished with Masters? If not they won’t count it, and it will default to the last 45 credit hours, not including Masters classes.
I got the prerequisite review email this morning, and my application is now complete. So fingers crossed from here
When did you submit your supplemental?
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Are you finished with Masters? If not they won’t count it, and it will default to the last 45 credit hours, not including Masters classes.
No I am not, I graduate in December. Did not realize that. Thank you for the information.