Pacific University Essay Inspiration

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Jan 17, 2017
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I'm sure you all feel me, but my fingers and keyboard are spent. I need to write a few more mini essays about myself for PTCAS and PU, but I'm spent.

Just so I can get this done and try to sell myself as much as possible, what does PU look for when they ask, "Using an experience you have had, describe how you are a good fit for Pacific University's Physical Therapy Program."? Any help is appreciated. TIA!

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You have probably already started it, but what I wrote about last year was why I was going for PT and highlighted my work experience and my performance in school that made me a good fit. I did talk about some challenges and how I overcame them. It seems pretty basic but it worked for what they were looking for, I got an interview.
You have probably already started it, but what I wrote about last year was why I was going for PT and highlighted my work experience and my performance in school that made me a good fit. I did talk about some challenges and how I overcame them. It seems pretty basic but it worked for what they were looking for, I got an interview.
Thanks for your help 🙂 at a certain point you kinda start to get paranoid. "is it too personal? not personal enough? too passionate? do i sound like a vanilla application?" you know? Haha i'm an overanalyzer.

That's what I ended up doing. Using my volunteer experience at my school to show my enthusiasm for the field and academia.