Pandemic Grad with Warring Offers

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New Member
May 27, 2021
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Hi! I'm here looking for some advice in a last-ditch effort to keep my sanity.

I graduated 2020, unmatched for residency, no job lined up. I spent months applying and getting very comfortable with rejection before landing a contract pharmacist position at mail order. Eventually they hired me on as a full-time employee (which was shocking because I was by far the least experienced contractor). It's WFH, I have a great boss, and they are looking at getting me licensed in several other states on the company dime.

The issue is that after being offered my position, I was also offered a job with the IHS that I applied to long before the mail order opportunity came up. It's an outpatient job with enough provider contact I could leverage into other positions in the future, and it's a foot in the door with the government (for the great benefits). The cost of living is very cheap as it's a very remote posting (which is good for my wallet, but not as great as a single person closer to 30 than 20) and I'm being accommodated for my move. The bonus for a 1-year commitment also puts me over the mail order salary.

I'm not thrilled about leaving the creature comforts of the city I live in, or a comfortable WFH job, but I think the IHS job will give me better stability and experience long-term as this is only the beginning of my career.

However, each time I feel like I firmly decide on one of the offers, something occurs to sway me in the other direction.

I know this is a very fortunate situation in which I have found myself, and I don't mean to complain! But I would just like to know (hopefully from those further down the road): am I throwing away a great opportunity? Are there variables I haven't considered?

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How long have you worked for this mail order company?

For me, future prospects and stability is everything in the current market and that means Wags and CVS are there to serve my temporary needs. Mail order is a step above but as you said IHS might lead to better opportunities. If you can stomach taking temporary inconvenience, go for IHS.