Participating in a charity concert- how many hours to count?

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5+ Year Member
Jan 8, 2017
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I've participated in a few charity concerts, and I'm a little confused about how many hours to count as volunteering. Should I only count the hours spent in concert? Should I count some of the hours spent preparing? Maybe concert+ dress rehearsal + any direct organizing work I've done?

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I've participated in a few charity concerts, and I'm a little confused about how many hours to count as volunteering. Should I only count the hours spent in concert? Should I count some of the hours spent preparing? Maybe concert+ dress rehearsal + any direct organizing work I've done?
Concert time + practice prep + organizational meetings are fine to include.
Agree with the last commenter, you should count all the hours you spent for preparation, too. I know how hard it is to organize an event. I was responsible for safety measures, and it took me days to find a reliable security company, crowd control warehouse and queue solutions, etc. The event by itself was very stressful and exhausting, everything lasted only a few hours but I was tired for almost a week after.