Pcat no score option

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Dec 16, 2018
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If I choose this option, do I get to see my preliminary scores or nothing at all? Also, I if choose to submit my scores this time and take the test again do pharmacy schools only look at the better score or average it out?

I am planning to retake the exam in January as I don't feel confident now, will it be too late to apply for the fall 2021 cycle?

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If I choose this option, do I get to see my preliminary scores or nothing at all? Also, I if choose to submit my scores this time and take the test again do pharmacy schools only look at the better score or average it out?

I am planning to retake the exam in January as I don't feel confident now, will it be too late to apply for the fall 2021 cycle?

If you choose the No Score Option, you will not get to see your results. If you decide to submit your score and take the test again in the future (and depending on how far apart you take the tests) the program most likely than not will take your most recent score. As far as within each category, other programs will try and nit-pic your higher scores into one overall format (petty but it does happen). You will need to ask the program directly of what they do (if they still require the PCAT).

Taking the PCAT in January will not be too late for the Fall 2021 cycle. Matter of fact, if you register on PharmCAS you will see relatively quickly how many programs have pulled out of requiring the PCAT (every year more established programs are following this concept). If you happen to be interested in specific programs, look up their admission cycle description and you will know if they do a "rolling admissions" which means first come, first serve. Other programs however wait until March - April timeframe to tally up and send out confirmations of who is accepted and who has been waitlisted. You may even see some programs extend their deadline all the way until June - July prior to that August Fall matriculation.

PharmCAS will provide a list of schools and will tell you when early-decision and closing application dates are to take place. Most schools these days do a rolling admission (first come, first serve).
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