PCAT Organic chemistry

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Jan 17, 2007
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Do they ask any named organic reactions on the PCAT like Friedel Craft's alkylation, Williamson's synthesis etc?
Regarding general chemistry formulas, are they given or do we need to memorize them? Thanks

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Do they ask any named organic reactions on the PCAT like Friedel Craft's alkylation, Williamson's synthesis etc?
Regarding general chemistry formulas, are they given or do we need to memorize them?
I took the PCAT June 2007.

The organic material on the chem section involves nomenclature, and reactions. That is you need to know the reagents that will produce a desired product. So I guess the answer to your question is yes you must know the different types of reactions and reagents required.

General Chemistry
No formulas are given on the PCAT. Therefore you must commit all general chemistry formulas to memory. Hope this helps. Good luck :)