PCOM vs RowanSOM

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May 17, 2014
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Hi! So I know these threads can get kind of annoying, but I'm genuinely trying to decide between these two schools. Was accepted to PCOM-Philly and have an interview for Rowan coming up. I absolutely love PCOM and I'm trying to decide if going to Rowan would be worth it. I've heard great things about Rowan though! I'm Having a really hard time deciding between the two schools. I'm from PA but live the same distance from both schools, so that's not a factor. I would love to hear any suggestions or advice on either school! Moreso about rotations, curriculum differences, and residencies. Thanks!

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If you're from PA. I would stick with pcom if money is an important factor for you. The OOS tuition for Rowan is expensive - $58 I think!!

But Rowan is still a great school so no harm in interviewing. If you see yourself being happier there, then that might be worth the cost
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Although Rowan is slightly better,

Go with Pcom, it's much cheaper here.
Breezy... whats up with taking over @AlteredScale 's avatar... you literally not only took over his picture, but you even have the "PGY-10 in Wumbology" exactly like he does.

Unless this is Altered's second avatar or something, I am legit concerned for other people on SDN. He tends to give very knowledgeable and sound advice. Your advice thus far has seemed sketchy. You covering as Altered is very misleading...

“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” ― Niccolò Machiavelli

And btw, your deception sucks seeing as this is a community where people know each other. I literally know Altered in real life...
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Breezy... whats up with taking over @AlteredScale 's avatar... you literally not only took over his picture, but you even have the "PGY-10 in Wumbology" exactly like he does.

Unless this is Altered's second avatar or something, I am legit concerned for other people on SDN. He tends to give very knowledgeable and sound advice. Your advice thus far has seemed sketchy. You covering as Altered is very misleading...

“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” ― Niccolò Machiavelli

And btw, your deception sucks seeing as this is a community where people know each other. I literally know Altered in real life...

I'm confused, I believe I am breaking no rule here.
I'd be happy to change it back if I was. Am I breaking an SDN rule?
I'm confused, I believe I am breaking no rule here.
I'd be happy to change it back if I was. Am I breaking an SDN rule?
I have no clue if its official or not. But its just making you seem like a really weird dude. And again, it is misleading to people who take Altered's sound advice. You are making him look bad.

Not to mention, just why? There are literally millions of combinations of pictures and phrases that would show you as a unique individual. You just happened to pick the same picture and phrase as him... suspect.
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Side note

where is your proof of this. Neither are better, both are strong programs but are slightly different.

I just thought the match list was a bit more impressive and they have their own affiliated hospitals. But both are comparable. I said "slightly" to imply this. Two schools can never exactly be the same.

In addition, their stats are higher implying they are a bit more competitive. Though to some people, that may not say much about their quality of education so I would not use that point. Just putting it out there as a fact instead.
Hi! So I know these threads can get kind of annoying, but I'm genuinely trying to decide between these two schools. Was accepted to PCOM-Philly and have an interview for Rowan coming up. I absolutely love PCOM and I'm trying to decide if going to Rowan would be worth it. I've heard great things about Rowan though! I'm Having a really hard time deciding between the two schools. I'm from PA but live the same distance from both schools, so that's not a factor. I would love to hear any suggestions or advice on either school! Moreso about rotations, curriculum differences, and residencies. Thanks!

Firstly, congrats on getting interviews at both those schools! The only tip I can provide is that you may have a strong shot at EM at Ucsd for both since I know a PGY-1 and EM peds fellow both at Ucsd, one from Rowan and PCOM respectively.

maybe look at the types of clerkships that are also available as well!
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And thanks everyone for the advice! I guess I'll go to the interview and see if I note any noticeable differences between the schools! I'm just happy to have the option :)
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Breezy, why so corny? Now you have my avatar LOL...I'm not gonna lie, I did laugh out loud. You're so foolish lolol

@Ismet Question:

Is this considered "courteous and respectful?" If it is, I would certainly like to call people foolish, or "fools" per say.
Dude your harassing and antagonizing people and acting like a child. Stop.
You have no evidence to back that up.
My recent profile pic and status changes have nothing to do with anyone here.
We just happen to the like the same weird things.

Maybe you should stop "harassing and antagonizing ME and acting like a child." Stop.
@Ismet Question:

Is this considered "courteous and respectful?" If it is, I would certainly like to call people foolish, or "fools" per say.
Breezy, go away. I made this thread for a serious purpose. Go play with someone else, adults are speaking.
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Breezy, go away. I made this thread for a serious purpose. Go play with someone, adults are speaking.

This is belittleing and degrading. I thought i specifically read that is against SDN rules.
I came here to offer genuine advice and I was attacked.

Again, Mods - Is this kind of behavior of reapplicanthelpme2014 tolerated?
Firstly, congrats on getting interviews at both those schools! The only tip I can provide is that you may have a strong shot at EM at Ucsd for both since I know a PGY-1 and EM peds fellow both at Ucsd, one from Rowan and PCOM respectively.

maybe look at the types of clerkships that are also available as well!
Thank you! I appreciate it. This might sound dumb, but when looking at Clerkships, what exactly do I look for?
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This is belittleing and degrading. I thought i specifically read that is against SDN rules.
I came here to offer genuine advice and I was attacked.

Again, Mods - Is this kind of behavior tolerated?
You know EXACTLY what you are doing. Please, go away. This thread is not for this. I do not want your help. Please leave me alone. Thank you!
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You know EXACTLY what you are doing. Please, go away. This thread is not for this. I do not want your help. Please leave me alone. Thank you!

It would have been more courteous if you just initially posted "thank you for your advice breezy, but I am not interested in it".

Instead, I was harrased.
Thank you! I appreciate it. This might sound dumb, but when looking at Clerkships, what exactly do I look for?

You got it! I think it's more of what you are wanting from clerkships.

Do they offer preceptor clerkships meaning you'll get one on one time with the attending? Do you want a lot of outpatient experience or want to rotate at tertiary medical centers with trauma?

Also are you interested in research? See which one has research that you may be interested in. Example: if you like cardiology research see which one has a stronger cardiac research institute or academic research division.
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You have no evidence to back that up.
My recent profile pic and status changes have nothing to do with anyone here.
We just happen to the like the same weird things.

Here's the evidence to show you are in fact harassing me:
ImageUploadedBySDN Mobile1418939142.230472.jpg

notice the "ugly avatar" comment. You then follow this by changing your avatar to explicitly get a reaction out of other users in using me. And to add to it you blatantly lie to my face that you have the "same weird things".

Absolute definition of trolling that goes against TOS.
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You got it! I think it's more of what you are wanting from clerkships.

Do they offer preceptor clerkships meaning you'll get one on one time with the attending? Do you want a lot of outpatient experience or want to rotate at tertiary medical centers with trauma?

Also are you interested in research? See which one has research that you may be interested in. Example: if you like cardiology research see which one has a stronger cardiac research institute or academic research division.
Awesome, thanks for this! I've always been confused about what to look for in clerkships that I would be interested in, so I might be coming back to you for more advice!
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Awesome, thanks for this! I've always been confused about what to look for in clerkships that I would be interested in, so I might be coming back to you for more advice!

You got it! Feel free to PM me if you want to further discuss anything and best of luck with your decision.
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Please keep the discussion on topic and free of personal attacks/harassment.

If a user is annoying you, use the ignore function.
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There is an anesthesiologist from Rowan and an EM physician from PCOM at the hospital I work at in MI. I think the reputation of both of these schools is strong and will get you to where you want to go in most cases. Go check out Rowan just to see if you like it, though I do have to say if you're paying out of state tuition for Rowan, I would advise PCOM, that's like 100k difference right there.
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Literally, every poster has said the same thing.
"both are good, but pcom bc it's cheaper."

Sdn should just have a button that gives the standard response "The cheaper one."
Some users on here would probably exhaust it :rolleyes:
Literally, every poster has said the same thing.
"both are good, but pcom bc it's cheaper."

Sdn should just have a button that gives the standard response "The cheaper one."
Some users on here would probably exhaust it :rolleyes:
Not necessarily true, I would advise paying the extra tuition costs when comparing Rowan to any of the newer schools. But with a great school like PCOM, you can't go wrong with either, just go cheaper.
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Not necessarily true, I would advise paying the extra tuition costs when comparing Rowan to any of the newer schools. But with a great school like PCOM, you can't go wrong with either, just go cheaper.

I agree with that.
But in most cases, people compare schools in similar tiers when they make these threads.
And more often than not, esp from one user, I keep seeing that pop up haha.
I agree with that.
But in most cases, people compare schools in similar tiers when they make these threads.
And more often than not, esp from one user, I keep seeing that pop up haha.
And there's also the location issue. If you don't have a good reason to work in PA or the north east and you're from, say, Oregon, it might be better for you to go to WesternU instead so you can stay close to family. However, if it's your goal to work and live in PA, then you should probably go to PCOM. I'm not sure which is cheaper but there are plenty of permutations where location relative to family vs. cost vs. where you want to practice are concerns.
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Maybe it is more in respect to state DO schools and being an instate resident.
In that case, I have seen "cost" come up as the no. 1 reason.

I am actually in agreeance with that because state DO schools are amongst the best ones and cost is cheap. But you know, it could get tricky when someone wants to practice in the west coast and it was WesternU vs MSU, as MI resident.
I am not your "bruh". You should follow my posts and like every other persons post that I may debate with.
That wouldn't prove that your feelings are still hurt or anything right?
Breezy, what do you want from me? Will liking your posts make you feel better? Ok! Got you! Xox
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this place is being held hostage by a psychopath from a junior high school
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I can't really comment on RowanSOM, but i'm currently at PCOM now. I would suggest PCOM. PCOM is well respected in the Philly area, if you take a look at residencies from the 5 medical schools in Philadelphia (Including UPenn), you'll see PCOM residents there. Maybe not that many at UPenn there are some. As far as the other schools, i've noticed they have a lot of PCOM grads in their programs as well. Also if you're looking to do surgery I would recommend PCOM. From what I can tell PCOM's surgery programs are very good. I cant seem to find the list, but back in October PCOM sent out a message to where our general surgery residents were going for fellowships, and from I remember our GS residents matched ACGME trauma and cardiothoracic fellowships.
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I can't really comment on RowanSOM, but i'm currently at PCOM now. I would suggest PCOM. PCOM is well respected in the Philly area, if you take a look at residencies from the 5 medical schools in Philadelphia (Including UPenn), you'll see PCOM residents there. Maybe not that many at UPenn there are some. As far as the other schools, i've noticed they have a lot of PCOM grads in their programs as well. Also if you're looking to do surgery I would recommend PCOM. From what I can tell PCOM's surgery programs are very good. I cant seem to find the list, but back in October PCOM sent out a message to where our general surgery residents were going for fellowships, and from I remember our GS residents matched ACGME trauma and cardiothoracic fellowships.

Nice. Yeah this is a great description. I would go with PCOM as well for these reasons, if I was in OP's shoes.

Side note: CCOM fills a similar niche in Chicago I heard. You hardly see any CCOM grads at UChicago's residencies, but elsewhere you do. Actually, you see some grads in Northshore IM, which is a UofC affiliate. Similarly I bet you see PCOM grads in Penn's affiliate hospitals.

If this was a PCOM vs CCOM decision I would put in more input! PA & NJ escape me
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I can't really comment on RowanSOM, but i'm currently at PCOM now. I would suggest PCOM. PCOM is well respected in the Philly area, if you take a look at residencies from the 5 medical schools in Philadelphia (Including UPenn), you'll see PCOM residents there. Maybe not that many at UPenn there are some. As far as the other schools, i've noticed they have a lot of PCOM grads in their programs as well. Also if you're looking to do surgery I would recommend PCOM. From what I can tell PCOM's surgery programs are very good. I cant seem to find the list, but back in October PCOM sent out a message to where our general surgery residents were going for fellowships, and from I remember our GS residents matched ACGME trauma and cardiothoracic fellowships.
This is awesome information to know. I'll be PMing you in the future for more questions! :)
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S/N: Breezy got put on hold. I wish y'all could see my dance right now LOL.
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Good. Did you all really believe that troll was a med student?
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me too! I like how I'm completely procrastinating for this microbiology final even though it's in 9 hrs and I still have 13 research articles to get through haha.

I like your comment, but not your situation. LOL