Penn vs. Michigan (IS) vs. Case

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Jul 26, 2017
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I've recently been accepted to both Michigan and Penn. I'm a Michigan resident and even received Michigan's scholarship, so financially I feel like I should attend Michigan. However, my interview at Penn was amazing and I fell in love with the school. I'm not sure if all that extra debt is worth attending an Ivy League school. I've also heard that Michigan is overrated, even though they're ranked #1. But I've also heard from a dentist that I shouldn't rule out my acceptance to Case Western. Just wondering if anyone has any advice for me before I make this huge decision :help:

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If it was me, I would pick Michigan. You’ll be saving a lot of money. I also heard you get to see patients in your 2nd year, no other dental school can offer that I believe.
What are your goals?

I'm not 100% sure, but I could definitely see myself wanting to specialize. Its so hard to tell now though, like I've had the opportunity to shadow some specialties, but how do I know I want to specialize without actually trying it first? Ahhh I just feel so confused! I know Penn has a high match rate for specialities, but I'm not sure how much that should weigh into my final decision.
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Easy - take your acceptance to Michigan and run with it! A terrific school where you'll get an excellent education.

Michigan had been my dream school and my goal since freshman year! But after my Penn interview I started second guessing myself. And now this dentist, who graduated from Detroit Mercy, thinks that I should consider Case Western over both Penn and Michigan! Maybe I should just go with my gut though...
Always go with your gut. The fact that Michigan is a great school and it's in-state should be a no-brainer. UM is the cheapest, right?

Yeah its definitely the cheapest! My tuition would be $22000 for the first year. I guess I just wanted to know if theres anything about Penn or Case that I'm overlooking and would be worth the extra debt lol. And it would be nice to live somewhere new for the next four years
Yeah its definitely the cheapest! My tuition would be $22000 for the first year. I guess I just wanted to know if theres anything about Penn or Case that I'm overlooking and would be worth the extra debt lol. And it would be nice to live somewhere new for the next four years
If you go to Michigan, you can get that lambo early 🙂
I got accepted to Case and Michigan as well. While Case is a great school with small class size, soon-to-be brand new facilities, and great faculty I think you get a better education at Michigan. The thing that really won me over is the fact we start working on patients Spring semester of our second year! And don't forget about those 9 weeks you get to work fulltime in rural clinics across Michigan.

I don't know how Michigan compares to Penn, but I would go to the cheapest if I were you! I think, 10-15 years down the line, you won't regret saving a couple hundred thousand dollars.
I may be biased bc I’m going to Michigan lol, but go to Michigan. It’s easy to pay extra tuition right now when banks will give it out like Monopoly money, but they’ll eventually come wanting it back and Penn is excessively expensive. This is all my opinion obviously, but it depends on how you value a school and how comfortable you are with debt.
I've recently been accepted to both Michigan and Penn. I'm a Michigan resident and even received Michigan's scholarship, so financially I feel like I should attend Michigan. However, my interview at Penn was amazing and I fell in love with the school. I'm not sure if all that extra debt is worth attending an Ivy League school. I've also heard that Michigan is overrated, even though they're ranked #1. But I've also heard from a dentist that I shouldn't rule out my acceptance to Case Western. Just wondering if anyone has any advice for me before I make this huge decision :help:

Easy - go to Michigan. The scholarship and in-state status make it an even easier choice.

Dental school rankings and Michigan's "#1 rank" mean nothing outside of impressing random people and research funding. There are all sorts of things I don't like about this school, but I'm sure no school is perfect. I'm only two semesters in and I can already tell you that this just comes down to how much you practice your hand skills and how well you can memorize random stuff for exams every week. I'm assuming that applies at every other school, but the difference is how well the clinics are run and how much you pay for the degree.
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Just my perspective but I have 2 friends who go to michigan and they are both super stressed and did not look happy so just something to consider what kind of lifestyle you want. That's why I didn't even bother applying to a place I wouldn't be happy
I say go to Michigan only due to financial reasons. The #1 thing is definitely overrated. Yeah its stressful here, especially now that its finals, but isn't every school stressful? Although I also liked UPenn the most during my interviews and sometimes I wonder what life would be like there, so I see where you're coming from and it sucked to turn down that school! GL with the decision!
Upenn didn't like you enough to give you a scholarship there. Why go?

They did give me a scholarship, its $10,000 per year. Its a good amount and I'm definitely thankful to have received it, but the cost of Penn is still extremely high compared to Michigan.
I've recently been accepted to both Michigan and Penn. I'm a Michigan resident and even received Michigan's scholarship, so financially I feel like I should attend Michigan. However, my interview at Penn was amazing and I fell in love with the school. I'm not sure if all that extra debt is worth attending an Ivy League school. I've also heard that Michigan is overrated, even though they're ranked #1. But I've also heard from a dentist that I shouldn't rule out my acceptance to Case Western. Just wondering if anyone has any advice for me before I make this huge decision :help:

Where can I find a legit accurate list of school rankings? I never understood how dental schools are ranked and by what are they being ranked?
I say go to Michigan only due to financial reasons. The #1 thing is definitely overrated. Yeah its stressful here, especially now that its finals, but isn't every school stressful? Although I also liked UPenn the most during my interviews and sometimes I wonder what life would be like there, so I see where you're coming from and it sucked to turn down that school! GL with the decision!

Thank you! Yeah I think I've decided on Michigan, especially after talking to some dentists. I'm gonna wait a week to put down the deposit, but I don't see myself changing my mind. Penn was amazing, but I think I'm meant to go to Michigan! Good luck with finals!
They did give me a scholarship, its $10,000 per year. Its a good amount and I'm definitely thankful to have received it, but the cost of Penn is still extremely high compared to Michigan.

Oops lol. But I interviewed at Penn and felt like they didn't really offer more than my state school. I have friends who love it there.
But if the price difference is over 100k, I would suck it up for 4 years to save myself 5-10 years of repaymentx
Where can I find a legit accurate list of school rankings? I never understood how dental schools are ranked and by what are they being ranked?

I think this is the website Michigan uses. At all my interviews, Michigan was the only one to talk about their rankings, so I'm not sure how much it really matters if you're not planning on doing a residency. There are also different websites that have their own ranking, so its hard to tell which one to use.
Where can I find a legit accurate list of school rankings? I never understood how dental schools are ranked and by what are they being ranked?
You can't, because no such list exists. Certain schools are viewed as being better than others due to research, faculty, the quality of clinicians produced, how much they cost to attend, match rates, technology, etc.

Essentially, everyone has an opinion and each person's list varies.
Oops lol. But I interviewed at Penn and felt like they didn't really offer more than my state school. I have friends who love it there.
But if the price difference is over 100k, I would suck it up for 4 years to save myself 5-10 years of repaymentx

Yeah the price difference is well over 100k, and after taking some time to think of all the pros and cons, I can't see myself taking on all that debt when I know I could go to Michigan for much cheaper! Why did your friends end up choosing Penn?
Yeah the price difference is well over 100k, and after taking some time to think of all the pros and cons, I can't see myself taking on all that debt when I know I could go to Michigan for much cheaper! Why did your friends end up choosing Penn?

One a had scholarship to go so price difference was smaller than the state school. Another decided Upenn was where he wanted to be. Didn't really ask further on that lol.
What's your main goal as a dentist? GP or specializing?

Not sure yet, I could see myself wanting to specialize but it's hard to say before actually going to dental school! I think I'm set on Michigan, so I hope someone who is set on Penn gets my spot!
Not sure yet, I could see myself wanting to specialize but it's hard to say before actually going to dental school! I think I'm set on Michigan, so I hope someone who is set on Penn gets my spot!
It's hard for anyone to say they choose to be a general dentist without going to dental school as well
Hands down go to Michigan, it's a top school and it will save you a ridiculous amount of money. Penn may have a better reputation but it's definitely not worth the price you will pay.