percent of 1st reapplicants accepted?

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10+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2011
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Does anyone know the percent of 1st time reapplicants accepted to DO schools? If so, may you provide a source?

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Does anyone know the percent of 1st time reapplicants accepted to DO schools? If so, may you provide a source?

1st time reapplicants... so that's like a 2nd time applicant, right? :laugh:

My guess would be it's higher than a first time applicant... since hopefully a reapplicant would've made necessary changes to their application. D.O. schools don't really look down upon reapplicants, as long as they improved whatever was bringing them down.
It all depends on whether they have made the necessary changes as well as why they weren't accepted. There is a vast gulf between someone with a 3.5, 27, great ECs, LORs and shadowing who applied to too few med schools late versus someone who has a bad MCAT, GPA, ECs etc.
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I am a reapplicant, and I was accepted or waitlisted to all but 1 of the 9 schools I applied to this year. Accepted to more than half. There's hope!
Also a reapplicant, I was accepted and then wait listed after my first two interviews early... then I withdrew my application from a schools that had offered interviews.