Perio Programs and applying

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A little late to the party...

I applied to UTSA, UT Houston, Baylor, Iowa, VCU, MUSC, Colorado, and UCLA

Out of those, I got interviews to all but UTSA and UCLA.

Overall all the schools were great. None of them were excessively focused on research though every resident is required to do a research project. Out of the ones I interviewed at, only Colorado at a significant difference in costs (30K tuition and no stipend). The rest were approximately even money on tuition and stipend. All the schools had pretty strong clinical components. VCU's program is very similar to UTSA's program but nicer facilities. Both program directors are Air Force guys and one was a student of the other. I didn't have any bad experiences at any of them. Some of the schools, however, did not have a grad prosth dept. and on the other hand, didn't have a grad OMS dept.

Decision day is August 30th! I have heard Iowa will call at midnight, Baylor will call around 5am, and MUSC will call around 7am EST.

Hope that helped some people some

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Thank you sooo much for your advice. I guess all the programs are good. It's just figuring out where you can do well and get accepted!!!

What do you think about the loan situation? Is it possible to pay off such large amount?

From the looks of it , it seems that you have a dilemma to choose between the two .... congrats anyway

in terms of loans , am sorry i cant help you . i am a FTD ,so dont think that applies to me. UCSF has nicer facilitates and i think its cheaper .
hope that helps
Thank you Japanmarine14. I appreciate your advice!

I haven't received any offers yet as all the ones I applied to are abiding by the AAP agreement.
But, am really hoping I can get the California schools, and I especially liked both UCSF and USC 🙂

Good luck every one for August 30th !! 😀
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Awaiting the good news from all of you!!
I have an interview with U of Maryland which is scheduled this coming Wednesday. I am currently in Hong Kong, so that is it possible to have Skype interview??
Awaiting the good news from all of you!!
I have an interview with U of Maryland which is scheduled this coming Wednesday. I am currently in Hong Kong, so that is it possible to have Skype interview??

good luck my friend. i know for a fact that skype interviews are possible in the other parts of the world like the United Kingdom ( i had one before ) and japan ( my home country ) ... not sure that this is a possibility in the United states though. in my opinion , i think this shows lack of interest .. i dont know what everyone's take on this 🙂

good luck
Thank you Japanmarine14. I appreciate your advice!

I haven't received any offers yet as all the ones I applied to are abiding by the AAP agreement.
But, am really hoping I can get the California schools, and I especially liked both UCSF and USC 🙂

Good luck every one for August 30th !! 😀

good luck on that 😉

i dont think USC are with AAP agreement plus their interview dates were stretched till the middle of September...

good luck 😉
Did anyone hear from or interview at Minnesota? I got an email last night from the program director saying I was being considered for a position but I never received an interview invite so I don't know about the program. Anyone know anything?
Has anyone heard from Case western,Kentucky, St Louis or New Jersey Dental school?
I am assuming no one has heard from any schools in the past week, right?
Hi, I am currently a resident at U of Minnesota. Dr. Hinrichs doesn't really do formal interviews. He just invites strong candidates for externships usually.
Hi, I am currently a resident at U of Minnesota. Dr. Hinrichs doesn't really do formal interviews. He just invites strong candidates for externships usually.

How does doing externships will get you into residency? Any thoughts on that?
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I know that Louisville and OSU have already sent offers.
Hi, is there anyone got interview in UW? How was it?
I know that Louisville and OSU have already sent offers.
Louisville told me in the interview day that they would make a decision by this week. But I called the program yesterday and they told me that the director will make his decision by next week and letters will be sent and arriving by September 13th with the final decisions. I do not know what to believe so I guess the call was an unofficial rejection I guess
Louisville told me in the interview day that they would make a decision by this week. But I called the program yesterday and they told me that the director will make his decision by next week and letters will be sent and arriving by September 13th with the final decisions. I do not know what to believe so I guess the call was an unofficial rejection I guess

same here ...
they got a very good program there, i would say it is in my top 3. Unfortunately, as i am reading this thread, it might be an unofficial rejection 🙁
What do you say about the unversity of Maryland perio program?
I called them and UNC has done selecting its residents for this year.
@ u mean UNC has sent out acceptance letters or finished with interviews?
@ u mean UNC has sent out acceptance letters or finished with interviews?

I had called them and they said they have selected their residents 🙁

About Louisville i am not sure if they have filled all their position, they would send an official letter by Sept 6th
Louisville does not inform resident selection by email or telephone in advanced? only through U.S. mail?
How do the schools notify their decisions? through regular mail or do they email the decisions or call?
Hi, are the prio program now all need research? Although most schools indicate that the research takes ~10% on website, however, I heard some actually take ~50%. Is that common?
So, if there was no email today for acceptance to schools that go by the AAP guidelines, then it's over for chances for acceptances to those schools or is it not over yet for them?
So, if there was no email today for acceptance to schools that go by the AAP guidelines, then it's over for chances for acceptances to those schools or is it not over yet for them?

no, you still got till Tuesday ...
i got the acceptance from maryland through email. they need reply by next tuesday.
I havent heard anything yet from them, did u?
me neither... I called and they said we will be notified by regular mail of their decisions by sept 13. It sucks having to wait more than a week for a rejection letter... might as well let us know sooner of the rejection and save us the grieve