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May 26, 2017
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I'm very new to the student doctor forum! Can anyone provide me any guidance on restrictions for a personal statement for post-bacc/SMP/MS?

For example, I'm aware of what can be too personal in personal statement essays ie. mental illnesses. Is there any other restrictions you would advise?

Also, if a school indicates that the personal statement is 500 words, should I remain in the 500-word capacity, or can I go over this? I've seen a few personal statement examples using 800-900 word counts.

Please answer kindly! Thank you.

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I personally wouldn't talk about sexual assault, as I have seen come up. In fact, I wouldn't talk about being the victim of any crime.
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I'm very new to the student doctor forum! Can anyone provide me any guidance on restrictions for a personal statement for post-bacc/SMP/MS?

For example, I'm aware of what can be too personal in personal statement essays ie. mental illnesses. Is there any other restrictions you would advise?

Also, if a school indicates that the personal statement is 500 words, should I remain in the 500-word capacity, or can I go over this? I've seen a few personal statement examples using 800-900 word counts.

Please answer kindly! Thank you.
Mention you goals and why that program, and what specifically you are looking for in from that program.
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Thank you for the advice! What is your opinion on expanding beyond 500 word limit?
I can't sugar coat this: I'd say that you had trouble following very simple instructions, or were a special snowflake who thought that the rules didn't apply to themselves.

Really, what part of "500 word limit" don't you understand?
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I can't sugar coat this: I'd say that you had trouble following very simple instructions, or were a special snowflake who thought that the rules didn't apply to themselves.

Really, what part of "500 word limit" don't you understand?

No need to be rude. As I mentioned before, I've seen other examples that have gone over 800-900 words. Have a good day.
No need to be rude. As I mentioned before, I've seen other examples that have gone over 800-900 words. Have a good day.

were these other examples responding to the same prompt? 800-900 words is WAY over a 500 word limit, and a very bad idea. A few words over (like, 5)? Not gonna hurt you, unless the application format has a strict text-entry cut off.
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were these other examples responding to the same prompt? 800-900 words is WAY over a 500 word limit, and a very bad idea. A few words over (like, 5)? Not gonna hurt you, unless the application format has a strict text-entry cut off.
Thank you for the clarification. I was really curious since is my first personal statement for graduate programs.