Pharmaceutical Industry Experience

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Jun 20, 2010
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Does anyone know how pharmacy schools rate pharmaceutical industry experience? I've worked for over a year at a large, multinational pharmaceutical company as part of my undergrad internship. I worked mainly in clinical research. Would this be considered a big asset on my application or would it be similar to other science related work experience?

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Of course anything that sets you apart from the rest of the applicants (in a positive light) is an asset! Plenty of students have retail pharmacy experience (which is a plus) but few have extensive experience relating to pharmacy in another setting so this is definitively good for your application. I had plenty of academia research experience and it was something somewhat different to talk with the interviewers about. Especially when the interviewer is a PhD, they get very interested in what you've done. Any publications is very good so be sure to list it.

For me, I was interested in going into industry once I graduate so this was my big reasoning for "why pharmacy?"
^^Thanks for the input. Just out of curiosity, what area in industry are you going for?
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I've actually changed my mind since being in pharm school for 2yrs and think clinical pharmacy/residency is the right path for me. I was interested in clinical research -- clinical trials but it seems that pharmacists aren't really involved in this area.
I've actually changed my mind since being in pharm school for 2yrs and think clinical pharmacy/residency is the right path for me. I was interested in clinical research -- clinical trials but it seems that pharmacists aren't really involved in this area.

Ya you're right. The pharmacists at our clinical trial sites just store and dispense the drug. It's pretty much the same as any other pharmacist but they are dealing with "Investigation Product" so there's a few additional precautions that go along with that.
It could be a big asset. If you can match the clinical experience to your school of choice, then it can work out really well for you.
Of course anything that sets you apart from the rest of the applicants (in a positive light) is an asset!

+1. A bit of shadowing experience in the retail and hospital level coupled with your industrial experience would set you apart even more.
+1. A bit of shadowing experience in the retail and hospital level coupled with your industrial experience would set you apart even more.

Ya thats exactly what I am planning. I think experience in both sides of the profession, industry and clinical would go a long way on my app for at least getting an interview and if I reach that point I know I will have a ton of stuff to talk about during the interview itself.
+1. A bit of shadowing experience in the retail and hospital level coupled with your industrial experience would set you apart even more.

Quick question, do you put "shadowing experiences" down on your application somewhere, such as in the volunteering section? Or are these just experiences to draw from during the interview? What's everybody's opinion?
Industry experience will definitely set you apart. On your PS/interview, make sure you highlight the reasons why your experience is relevant to pharmacy and how it will shape your career path in pharmacy.