Pharmacology NBME

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5+ Year Member
May 13, 2017
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Any suggestions on how to prepare for the pharm shelf? I'll be taking it in about 3 weeks. Should I go for FA, BRS, Qbanks, sketchy?

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Reading through the pharm sections of every FA chapters definitely helped. There were some questions that you could probably get by process of elimination if you don't, but many of them were straight out of FA and not in sketchy/UW.
I did well using FC (first aid flashcards) and UWorld was very helpful too.

Sketchy seemed like too much of a time sink to me
I did well using FC (first aid flashcards) and UWorld was very helpful too.

Sketchy seemed like too much of a time sink to me
Was thinking about the time issue too. i have seen some of it already, but the ones that I haven't seen may take a very long time to watch.