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Feb 15, 2020
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Hi everyone, this is my first time posting on here. I'm a junior in undergrad looking to apply to clinical PhD (and maybe some PsyD) programs in the fall. My area of interest is primarily obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, which I have already conducted research on (which I am presenting at MPA and APS) and it is also the client population I intend to focus on one day in practice.

I'm still at the beginning of my list-making process, but so far some programs I've identified with either OCD labs or advisors with an OCD research emphasis are University of Michigan, UNC Chapel Hill, Northern Illinois University, Boston University, Northwestern University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Yale University, University of Miami, Harvard University, Vanderbilt University, Baylor University, University of British Columbia, Temple University, Florida State University, and Texas Tech University.

Are there any programs (or associated advisors) that you know of that I should look into that aren't on this list? And if you do happen to be familiar with any of the above programs, could you speak on their quality?

Thank you so much for taking the time! I really appreciate it.

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The University of Florida has an OCD program in the Psychiatry department -- I think mainly geared at kiddo's (but I could be wrong). You can enter the Clinical and Health Psychology program in the pediatric area and have Joseph McNamara, PhD as your mentor (or co-mentor).
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Although he focuses on MI and addictions.

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Michael Himle at the University of Utah
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University of Pennsylvania - they partner with the Center for Treatment and Study of Anxiety w/ Edna Foa
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The University of Florida has an OCD program in the Psychiatry department -- I think mainly geared at kiddo's (but I could be wrong). You can enter the Clinical and Health Psychology program in the pediatric area and have Joseph McNamara, PhD as your mentor (or co-mentor).
Thanks so much! I don't see him listed under faculty for their clinical PhD program, is he just in the psychiatry department?
Thanks so much! I don't see him listed under faculty for their clinical PhD program, is he just in the psychiatry department?

He has a joint appointment with CHP (primarily housed in Psychiatry). There are students who have been in the pediatric concentration of CHP that have primarily worked with Dr. McNamara. I'm not sure if he was their primary mentor or a co-mentor.

If this is research that is of interest to you, and you're seriously considering applying to UF CHP in the future, then I would contact him or the department to see how this would work. Several of his recent manuscripts have CHP alumni as the first author, so it's possible, I just don't know the logistics.
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UCLA has an anxiety disorders and OCD lab where graduate students can work
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