Please give me advice. I don't know what to do.

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I am a California resident. I go to a top 10 school for undergrad. Here are my stats.

- 32P MCAT
- 3.0 SGPA, 3.4 cum.GPA
- upward trend in grades
- good extracurriculars
- solid LORs and interview skills
- Caucasian

I don't know what to do. Should I apply to post-baccs? Should I apply to schools and post-baccs? I know i can't get into top med schools but do i have a shot at lower-tier schools?

I appreciate any advice. Please be gentle!

If I were you I would apply to post baccs to get that sGPA up in order to be as competitive as possible for MD schools. I think with your cGPA and MCAT you should be pretty competitive for DO schools, although your sGPA will still be low. If you want to go the DO route, I would just retake 2-3 of your science classes that you received your worst grade in and take advantage if grade replacement.

Good luck!
Chances of success at MD schools are not very good, except the low-tier ones like Rosy Franklin and NYMC, for example. DO will show you more love, but not all (like mine). I would recommend trying the low-tiers and the newest DO schools (I don't think you'll have any luck with any of the UC schools either, or Western or Rouro-CA). Try one round of applications and work to save up some money, and then shoot for a post-bac if you're shut out next year.

I am a California resident. I go to a top 10 school for undergrad. Here are my stats.

- 32P MCAT
- 3.0 SGPA, 3.4 cum.GPA
- upward trend in grades
- good extracurriculars
- solid LORs and interview skills
- Caucasian

I don't know what to do. Should I apply to post-baccs? Should I apply to schools and post-baccs? I know i can't get into top med schools but do i have a shot at lower-tier schools?

I appreciate any advice. Please be gentle!