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Orange Backswing

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Aug 7, 2017
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I would call Indiana and let them know that you have been accepted into a program (congrats by the way!) and that the deadline for the deposit is coming up. Stress that the school is a top choice. I did a similar thing with a school that waitlisted me and they got back to me with an acceptance before another school's deposit deadline. Perhaps you can ask when adcoms expect to reach a decision on your application.
Worse case scenario is the school doesn't get back to you in time and you eat the $5000. Better scenario is they come to a decision. Best case scenario is that that decision is an acceptance. Good luck!
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Whats your GPA and DAT score? What's your plan if you don't put the deposit and you don't get off the waitlist?
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$5000 seems a lot for a deposit! However, I know that the admission policy of IUSD won't change the rank of the waitlisted even with the letter of intent/interest. Pay the deposit a few days before it's due. And if you get into IUSD later, it is okay to lose that $5000 upon your IUSD acceptance because you're not going to pay for the bacc-program at temple later on. That way you're not losing any opportunity.
Do you know if they are still sending acceptance? I’m waiting. For sure rejection but
Hi, I remember meeting you on the interview day. You and I are in similar situations as I’m waitlisted at a dental school as well. I figured i’d share my thoughts, maybe it will help you decide.

I’ve decided I’m not going to accept my offer to temples program. One, I feel 44 grand for a non-degree program is just insane. two, I absolutely did NOT like the school, location, or even the students there. No one was friendly, barely acknowledged us being there. and most of the post bacc students couldn’t even properly answer questions about the program.

I personally don’t have any intention on attending temple for dental school anyway so, I feel this program will not benefit me. I’ve applied to two masters programs that have a high success rate on students being accepted into the dental school of my dreams. So I will be focusing on that. I feel actually earning a Masters degree will be more beneficial.

Overall, it’s your personal choice. But I hope my thoughts can help you make a decision that will be best for you! Best of luck.
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Hi, I remember meeting you on the interview day. You and I are in similar situations as I’m waitlisted at a dental school as well. I figured i’d share my thoughts, maybe it will help you decide.

I’ve decided I’m not going to accept my offer to temples program. One, I feel 44 grand for a non-degree program is just insane. two, I absolutely did NOT like the school, location, or even the students there. No one was friendly, barely acknowledged us being there. and most of the post bacc students couldn’t even properly answer questions about the program.

I personally don’t have any intention on attending temple for dental school anyway so, I feel this program will not benefit me. I’ve applied to two masters programs that have a high success rate on students being accepted into the dental school of my dreams. So I will be focusing on that. I feel actually earning a Masters degree will be more beneficial.

Overall, it’s your personal choice. But I hope my thoughts can help you make a decision that will be best for you! Best of luck.
Hi, I am also applying for post bacc programs and I too think that temple is asking for waaaay too much money for a non-degree program. Can I ask what masters programs you applied to?
Hi, I am also applying for post bacc programs and I too think that temple is asking for waaaay too much money for a non-degree program. Can I ask what masters programs you applied to?
I applied to Barry Universities masters program and to NSU. I was accepted into both but I’m currently enrolled in NSU’s. NSU is where I want to attend dental school so it was a no brainer. But this program guarantees you a seat in next years class. You also take classes with the D1s. You attend all their classes besides the clinic courses.