Pre- dent Master programs opinions 2016

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May 9, 2016
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Im pre-dent with a very uncompetitive undergrad GPA (around 2.7). Had a lot going on my junior and senior year but somehow made it though and graduated although my GPA took a toll. I chose not to chance taking the DAT and just apply straight to Masters programs. So i took a year off and applied. Right now I'm still waiting to hear back from a few schools and am starting in this 2016 fall semester.

I wanted opinions on a few programs and if there are some pros and cons or if anyone who is currently in the program wants to chime in. From my research it appeared that BARRY and RUTGERS GSBS programs were among the top. Unfortunately, I did not get into Barry but i did get into dental scholars program for GSBS Rutgers newark.

I did get into WAKE FOREST for their cellular and molecular biomedical science program but i don't know too much about it and also they do not have a dental school where perhaps i could have taken some grad classes.

I also got into U MARYLAND medical school (graduate program in life scienes) cellular and molecular biomedical science program. Loved the area and how all the professional schools are right next to each other and how the program is basically customized to the individual student but i still have mixed feelings.

Heard awesome things about RUTGERS- get to take some dental classes form their dental school, 1, 1.5, or 2 years long, can transfer 6 credits back to obtain your masters if you get accepted into a dental school. Also when i attended their open house it seemed like they offer excellent dental advice in regards to the admission process and the overall road to dental school. Obviously the only thing i did not like is the location of newark. (But i would not think twice about the sacrifice if I suck it up and do well and it helps me get into dental school)

Still waiting to hear back from
-USF medical sciences masters
-MIDWESTERN AZ (masters of arts in biomedical sciences 1yr)
-U KENTUCKY medical sciences MS

Did not get into
-NYU ms in biology oral biology track
-MIDWESTERN IL (masters of arts in biomedical sciences)
-UWV (ms in health sciences)

Does anyone have any helpful information ?? Also please comments on WAKE FOREST program and RUTGERS GSBS and the U MARYLAND cellular and molecular biomedical science program would be extremely helpful!!!

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Im pre-dent with a very uncompetitive undergrad GPA (around 2.7). Had a lot going on my junior and senior year but somehow made it though and graduated although my GPA took a toll. I chose not to chance taking the DAT and just apply straight to Masters programs. So i took a year off and applied. Right now I'm still waiting to hear back from a few schools and am starting in this 2016 fall semester.

I wanted opinions on a few programs and if there are some pros and cons or if anyone who is currently in the program wants to chime in. From my research it appeared that BARRY and RUTGERS GSBS programs were among the top. Unfortunately, I did not get into Barry but i did get into dental scholars program for GSBS Rutgers newark.

I did get into WAKE FOREST for their cellular and molecular biomedical science program but i don't know too much about it and also they do not have a dental school where perhaps i could have taken some grad classes.

I also got into U MARYLAND medical school (graduate program in life scienes) cellular and molecular biomedical science program. Loved the area and how all the professional schools are right next to each other and how the program is basically customized to the individual student but i still have mixed feelings.

Heard awesome things about RUTGERS- get to take some dental classes form their dental school, 1, 1.5, or 2 years long, can transfer 6 credits back to obtain your masters if you get accepted into a dental school. Also when i attended their open house it seemed like they offer excellent dental advice in regards to the admission process and the overall road to dental school. Obviously the only thing i did not like is the location of newark. (But i would not think twice about the sacrifice if I suck it up and do well and it helps me get into dental school)

Still waiting to hear back from
-USF medical sciences masters
-MIDWESTERN AZ (masters of arts in biomedical sciences 1yr)
-U KENTUCKY medical sciences MS

Did not get into
-NYU ms in biology oral biology track
-MIDWESTERN IL (masters of arts in biomedical sciences)
-UWV (ms in health sciences)

Does anyone have any helpful information ?? Also please comments on WAKE FOREST program and RUTGERS GSBS and the U MARYLAND cellular and molecular biomedical science program would be extremely helpful!!!

I'd recommend choosing whichever one you think you'll perform best in. GPA matters much more than which program you ultimately choose. I've heard mixed reviews of MWU's program. Some students have gone on and done well and some have shot their chances down the drain. Search through SDN and check past threads to be sure though. They do guarantee and interview to their two schools if you maintain a 3.5+ GPA through the masters and score a 20+ AA on the DAT I believe. From the group you listed, Rutgers is the best choice of the ones you've been accepted to thus far IMO. I really liked USF's and it was one of the 3-4 I was highly considering in addition to the one I ultimately ended up choosing to attend this upcoming fall. Although Kentucky, Rutgers, and Maryland all had dental schools and they may take a harder look at you with a masters degree from there. I wouldn't bet on that though with maybe the exception of Rutgers.

Of the one's you listed here's how I like them in order...

1) Rutgers
2) USF
3) Maryland
4) Kentucky

I wouldn't consider the others, but that's just me. Everyone will have a difference of opinion I'm sure.
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Currently in the Rutgers GSBS program and have received a few interview invites for this cycle. If you have specific questions pm me and I'd be happy to answer them!
I'm a current student at Rutgers GSBS and this is my last semester at the program. If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me! Overall I think the program is great. 99% of the courses count towards your science GPA, which is nice. Newark is obviously not the best city to live in (personally, I rent an apartment in Jersey City and commute there by public transport/uber).

Last summer I applied to Rutgers GSBS, NYU oral bio program, BU oral bio program, and Tufts. I got into NYU and Rutgers, but I never heard anything about the NYU oral biology program so I decided to go with Rutgers.
Currently in the U.K. MSMS program and have five interviews. Had a 3.2 undergrad science and 3.3 overall. Have nailed the program so far, made some great friends, and Lexington is a beautiful city.
Sounds like you want Rutgers based on reading your post so I think you already made the subconscience decision without knowing it.
Currently in the Rutgers GSBS program and have received a few interview invites for this cycle. If you have specific questions pm me and I'd be happy to answer them!
So how does the process work if you've already applied to dental school? Like, does the end of the Rutgers program conflict with the beginning of dental school?
I'm also a yay vote for Rutgers! The benefits of the program more than compensates for the undesired location. I'd definitely say go. I'm completing my final semester after starting Aug. 2015 and I'll be attending dental school next year!! (haven't decided where...yet) :biglove:
When should we start applying for these programs?
I graduated from the Rutgers masters program in a year with a 3.94, 21 AA and received 3 acceptances this cycle. As long as you do well in the program I'd say it's definitely worth it!
When should we start applying for these programs?

Some have deadlines as early as December for Fall of next year. However, the majority have deadlines from March-May. The deadline for Rutgers is around the end of June though.
Currently in the Rutgers GSBS program and have received a few interview invites for this cycle. If you have specific questions pm me and I'd be happy to answer them!
I'm also a yay vote for Rutgers! The benefits of the program more than compensates for the undesired location. I'd definitely say go. I'm completing my final semester after starting Aug. 2015 and I'll be attending dental school next year!! (haven't decided where...yet) :biglove:

I'm interested in applying to Rutgers GSBS. But I have no idea how I would pay for it. How much does the 1 year program cost and how are you paying for it?

Btw, congrats on getting accepted!!
I'm interested in applying to Rutgers GSBS. But I have no idea how I would pay for it. How much does the 1 year program cost and how are you paying for it?

Btw, congrats on getting accepted!!

Here's the link for tuition and fees:
NOTE: They have NOT updated the true cost of credits since pre-August 2015 (when I started the program and I ended up getting charged more than that). Below you'll see a better idea of what to expect. The other fees listed on that webpage are pretty up-to-date though.

In this program, you're charged by the cost of each credit (last semester it was $1100 OOS, around $770 IS), plus other program fees. It's not cheap, but more than likely you'll qualify to receive federal student loans as a graduate student. Each year, a student enrolled in a graduate program one is eligible to receive $20,500 per year split over two semesters. That'd be just enough or under the amount to cover your credits alone...not additional fees, health insurance (if you need it) or living expenses. To compensate for that there are several options: Gradplus loans, private loans, outside scholarships, etc. There aren't any grants or scholarships provided through this program (MAJOR BUMMER I KNOW). But it definitely is possible for you to finance it granted that you've filled out a fafsa and are deemed eligible for student loans. Financial aid will determine a package for you based on tuition and educational costs (books, supplies, transportation, etc). If you plan to live on (or off) campus, you could just email them explaining that you need to enhance your loan amount to cover whatever your rent/utilities/living expenses will be.