PRE - DENTAL Application Help

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Nov 7, 2024
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Just wondering if those C's are in the prerequisite courses, because you might need to retake them as I believe some or most schools don't take C for prerequisites.
Just wondering if those C's are in the prerequisite courses, because you might need to retake them as I believe some or most schools don't take C for prerequisites.
They are, however when I was researching the schools I wanted to apply to they mentioned only needed to retake if it's a C-. I'm just nervous that if I have more W's they'll be concerned but I also don't want another C so it's a toss up.

Update ; re checked and it says "Applicants are required to complete the following coursework with a C or better by May of the intended entering year. Grades of C- or lower and courses taken pass/fail or credit/no credit will not be accepted. The majority of the prerequisites should be completed at the time of application, but any in-progress or planned courses will not prevention invitation to interview."
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Too hard to say without a transcript with your previous grades, including your degree. Also you need dental experience.

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Too hard to say without a transcript with your previous grades, including your degree. Also you need dental experience.

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My undergrad transcript was great mostly A's and B's (did have 2 W's) ended with a 3.57 communication degree, 1 of which i didn't realized i didn't need calc and then the second is a chem class i went on to retake. Now working on my pre reqs i have 2 C's (1 in bio / 1 in chemistry) 1 A, and 1 C+ (physics) the one W i have now is from chem 1 which i dropped and got a C. Do i risk getting another C(could be a C- which my schools won't accept) or do i get another W? I currently have about 100 shadow hours.
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