Prerequisite courses- how important is it to finish them if not required for a school I get admitted to?

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Sep 6, 2019
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I am a little confused about how future courses option work for dental schools. Any help is appreciated.

I am missing microbiology and organic chemistry lab prerequisites for one of the schools that I'm applying to. And to be eligible to apply, I'll put those courses in the future courses section of my application (if needed I'll take them in winter 2022).
So I was wondering what happens if I get admitted to a school that does not require microbiology and organic chem-lab as prerequisites? am I still obliged to complete those courses just because I've listed them as future courses in my application?

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You may be hard pressed to find schools where organic chemistry/lab is not a requirement. Micro is usually a course that is part of ds curricula. Unless you are an applicant to die for, reneging on your "promise" to complete those courses could be detrimental to your future plans.
If you get admitted to a school that doesn't require those classes, you can drop them. That said, I'd be sure to check on whether that o chem lab is required or not. I don't know of any schools who don't require it.