Principles of Biochemistry vs. General Biochemistry course?

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15+ Year Member
Dec 24, 2006
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I wanted to take biochemistry in the fall to take care of that biochem pre-req alot of dental schools ask for, except right now the main class I know all pre-dents take at Arizona State Univ (BCH 361 - Principles of Biochemistry + BCH 367 lab) is full. However, there is another class (BCH 461 - General Biochemistry I + BCH 462 General Biochemistry II). What is the difference between Principles and General? Is it ok to take the 461 course to count as the pre-req?

Thanks for your help!

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461/462 looks the Biochem course for Chemistry majors, which is much more difficult and usually has a lot more prerequisites. I wouldn't take that unless you've done all the required classes and like a challenge.
Hey I graduated from ASU and the 400 level one is for chem. majors. I took BCH 361....see if you can get an override. And if you look at the pre-requisites at the schools they only require 3 credits of biochemistry so you don't need the lab. The class is cool but the lab is a pain in the butt!
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should I contact the teacher now or wait until school starts?
should I contact the teacher now or wait until school starts?

Im not sure if the teacher can do anything about it right now but I guess it wouldn't hurt to email him/her. If you can't get in they offer it in the spring and summer as well.