Psychiatry LoR Question

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7+ Year Member
May 13, 2015
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Hey all, I'm an MD/PhD M4 applying to psychiatry this cycle. Current LoR's are as follows:

1) PhD mentor
2) Psychiatry attending/ home program residency co-director (have worked 2 months total with her as an M3 and now as a Sub-I, basically luck of the draw that I've had the same inpatient attending during both of my psych rotations. My advisor has told me that having only one LoR from psych shouldn't be that big of a deal, especially if it's strong, which I believe it will be, we have a very good rapport and I've gotten excellent feedback from her)
3) Child neurology attending from M3 clerkship and M4 elective
4) IM attending from M3 clerkship

For programs that state they want 4 letters, or up to 4 letters, naturally I'm just going to send all 4. But for programs that specifically say "we require 3 letters of recommendation", I'm less certain what to do. I'm not applying to research tracks, but it's my understanding that as an MD/PhD applicant programs will always expect my PI letter to be one of the letters. Or would programs that specifically request 3 letters prefer to have the 3 clinical letters since I'm not applying to research tracks? If I need to cut one of the clinical letters for programs that only request 3 letters, would it be better to cut the neuro or IM letter?

Thanks for any advice, it would be great if this were standardized!

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I would just send the 4 and if they don't want to read your PI's letter then they won't.