Question about Letter of Recommendation

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New Member
Aug 8, 2018
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Hey all,

So one of the therapists who agreed to write me a letter of recommendation texted to let me know they had submitted it, but then sent me a text with a screenshot of the letter, even though I waived my right to access (bad therapist, bad!). It's not a bad letter, and it speaks highly of me - it's just really, really short. Like maybe quarter of a page short, if that. It took me a bit off guard to see one that short. I know what a typical letter of recommendation should look like, so do you think this could work against me? I have two other letters already (prof and therapist), and I'm pretty confident they are strong, but this one just took me by surprise. Should I try to get another letter from another therapist? Any advice would be appreciated.

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If you already have another strong letter from a different therapist, then I wouldn't worry about it. Since the letter speaks highly of you, at worst with the consideration of the length, it can only be regarded as a neutral letter. I don't think it would hurt you. You have four slots for recommendations so there's always the last slot, but I think 3 letters from physical therapists would be overkill. You could add a professor instead and keep it 2 Therapists / 2 Professors.
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