Question about PA school

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I graduated undergrad with a 3.2 GPA with a bachelors in biology from uc San Diego. What are my chances of getting into PA school?

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I graduated undergrad with a 3.2 GPA with a bachelors in biology from uc San Diego. What are my chances of getting into PA school?

Approximately 42.84%.

More seriously, there’s a lot more to an application than GPA. Extracurriculars, exposure to the PA field and clinical experience take high importance. The GPA is on the low side but a strong science GPA (if you have it) and good extracurriculars would go a long way, in general.
Approximately 42.84%.

More seriously, there’s a lot more to an application than GPA. Extracurriculars, exposure to the PA field and clinical experience take high importance. The GPA is on the low side but a strong science GPA (if you have it) and good extracurriculars would go a long way, in general.

Are you sure it isn't 42.26%?? lol

My sGPA is a 3.0... I think my chances are squashed :/