Question about pre-reqs

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10+ Year Member
May 25, 2013
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A lot of schools require 3 quarters of genchem, and I took a 1 quarter class that was the condensed version of a 2 quarter class, and also 1 quarter of p-chem. Even though I only have 2 quarters of gen chem, will it satisfy the requirement since it covered 3 quarters worth of material?

If I submit like this with no planned genchem courses, will that keep me from getting interviews at schools with a 3 quarter requirement? Or will they ask me to take an additional quarter if they want me to?

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A lot of schools require 3 quarters of genchem, and I took a 1 quarter class that was the condensed version of a 2 quarter class, and also 1 quarter of p-chem. Even though I only have 2 quarters of gen chem, will it satisfy the requirement since it covered 3 quarters worth of material?

If I submit like this with no planned genchem courses, will that keep me from getting interviews at schools with a 3 quarter requirement? Or will they ask me to take an additional quarter if they want me to?

What does it say on your transcript? That is what matters, and what is seen by AADSAS and subsequently the schools.
I agree. It all comes down to your transcripts.
What does it say on your transcript? That is what matters, and what is seen by AADSAS and subsequently the schools.

It shows the class name with an "X" next to it, indicating accelerated/condensed, but it doesn't say so in the title, so I am not sure if they will realize that. I also have 8 units of chemistry credit from the IB program.

I don't want to take a repetitive genchem class just to get additional you think that's what I'll need to do?