Question on dropping a class

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15+ Year Member
Jan 11, 2005
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I am in the process of applying this year and am considering dropping a class this quarter. I realize I've already submitted my stuff, but I was concerned with updating schools with my grades or even later if I were to get in with my final transcript. How bad is it if I do indeed drop a class? I am in the process of getting a C which is why I want to drop. I think dropping would be better, but then again it MAY be possible for me to move my grade up towards a B if I did extremely well on the final, which isn't really likely. Does anyone have any input on how a dropped class looks? Thanks.

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I think the deadline might have passed to change grading basis, but if it hasn't you could swap to P/NP. (Like I'm doing with my last two GEs! Stupid Anthro 8.)
If that's not possible I'd suck it up and try to kick ass on the final.
uclabruin1 said:
I am in the process of applying this year and am considering dropping a class this quarter. I realize I've already submitted my stuff, but I was concerned with updating schools with my grades or even later if I were to get in with my final transcript. How bad is it if I do indeed drop a class? I am in the process of getting a C which is why I want to drop. I think dropping would be better, but then again it MAY be possible for me to move my grade up towards a B if I did extremely well on the final, which isn't really likely. Does anyone have any input on how a dropped class looks? Thanks.

I'm not really sure. But I think you should be fine as long as you'll have all the pre-reqs and a degree before you start med school.

I actually have a worse case than yours (and I hope it'll be OK, too). I already have a bachelor degree in CS and completed all pre-med prerequisites. I was really close to getting a degree in Biology, so I decided in come back to school finish it (in case I don't get in the first time, I can find a job in biology-related research).

However, I have to drop 3 classes and will have to look for a job next semester. My financial aid office initially declined to give me a loan (just received the loan check today). The financial stress, med school application and interviews along with my senioritis really hurt my class performance. Not only I dropped 3 classes but I also won't be taking class next semester and will not get a second degree.

I really hope you won't have a problem because if you do, then I will, too :scared:
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uclabruin1 said:
I am in the process of applying this year and am considering dropping a class this quarter. I realize I've already submitted my stuff, but I was concerned with updating schools with my grades or even later if I were to get in with my final transcript. How bad is it if I do indeed drop a class? I am in the process of getting a C which is why I want to drop. I think dropping would be better, but then again it MAY be possible for me to move my grade up towards a B if I did extremely well on the final, which isn't really likely. Does anyone have any input on how a dropped class looks? Thanks.

As long as you finish your BS/BA and you perform as well as before (not including this class you are talking about), you shouldn't have a problem. I really doubt they will scrutinize your transcript after you graduate and have been accepted. (I guess what i am saying is that dropping that class won't hurt)
so uclabruin1, what class do u want to drop? Who's your prof.? UCLA classes are easy.
SearsTower said:
so uclabruin1, what class do u want to drop? Who's your prof.? UCLA classes are easy.

Thank GOD someone else agrees! :laugh: Biochem 153L? :eek: I was told it was hell on earth. I was lied to. :rolleyes:
153L is easy but I got a B- for not ever doing a single protocol (my friend on the other hand, who wasn't the brightest guy, got an A). I hate labs.

I got so scared of 110A because of all the rumor. It was a complete joke.
I still have yet to encounter a class that it would have been impossible for me to ace. MCD 138, developmental bio, probably came the closest - some of those genetic pathways in the early embryo are tough to follow, and if I never hear the phrase "sonic hedgehog" again I'll die a happy woman.

Some quarters I just got lazy. :shrug: Or decided that I was okay skipping a few lectures to go on a road trip. In a weird way, I kind of like my non-A grades because they remind me that I had a hell of a lot of fun in college.
i agree ucla classes are a joke. it's not that i'm doing bad because of difficulty, but i am doing poorly in...... LS1. i just sleep straight through class, i have no notes, and i studied only a few hours total combined for both midterms. needless to say, i should've memorized things a little more thoroughly... but yes, this is my sad life.
i agree 153L was easy and so was 110A... but has anyone taken 30CL? i'm in it right now and i hate that crap, maybe it's not difficult theoretically, but the workload is horrendous.
HAHAAH! Aw. LS1 was my first B EVER! I hated that class - I don't suppose you have Zimmer or Hespenheide, do you? They're both terrible. I took the Chem 14 series so I don't know what the 30 labs are like, but I hear they're no fun.
uclabruin1 said:
i agree ucla classes are a joke. it's not that i'm doing bad because of difficulty, but i am doing poorly in...... LS1. i just sleep straight through class, i have no notes, and i studied only a few hours total combined for both midterms. needless to say, i should've memorized things a little more thoroughly... but yes, this is my sad life.
i agree 153L was easy and so was 110A... but has anyone taken 30CL? i'm in it right now and i hate that crap, maybe it's not difficult theoretically, but the workload is horrendous.

With Bacher? He's a really nice guy. I didn't take 30CL yet but I'm thinking about taking it next quarter.
labs are miserable, especially 30cl
seilienne said:
I still have yet to encounter a class that it would have been impossible for me to ace. MCD 138, developmental bio, probably came the closest - some of those genetic pathways in the early embryo are tough to follow, and if I never hear the phrase "sonic hedgehog" again I'll die a happy woman.

That was my favorite class at UCLA. And then I took MCDB 143 and it turned out to be a repeat of 138. :laugh:

I agree, 153L was not bad at all. I was so freaked out, but ended up really enjoying it.