General Admissions & OTCAS Question on sending GRE scored to OTCAS.

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Jul 22, 2018
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Hello all,

I'm taking the GRE this Thursday. I know ETS allows you to send 4 scores for free right after taking the GRE. Can I give ETS the OTCAS code for 3 schools I plan on applying to even though the rest of my application to that school isn't finished. I'm just confused on if the school would receive a GRE score before everything else.

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Yes, you can go ahead and send in the scores through ETS while working on your application! I sent my scores in mid-June and on OTCAS shows which schools received my scores, and I also haven't finished the apps yet. I don't think it matters what order you send in everything for the schools, as long as they get everything in before their deadline.
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