Questions about interview offers.

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New Member
Aug 31, 2021
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I applied to 11 schools and received 2 interviews from my safe schools so far.

Undergrad: UNC-Chapel Hill
Major: Biology, B.S
Application verified: 7/27
U.S Army veteran

My stats are cGPA 3.63, sGPA 3.36, DAT 23AA, 22TS, 23PAT. I applied to UNC, UMich, ECU, UB, UPitt, USC, NOVA, UK, Tufts, Temple, VCU

I received an interview from ECU and NOVA so far. My concern is, I see people with lower stats getting interviews from my ”reach” schools. Is it less likely that I will receive an interview if I wasn’t offered for the first interview Cycle? Should I be concerned?

Thank you

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No I would continue to be patient as it is fairly early in the process. I remember interviewing nearly once a month back in day from September to January. Wasn't a superstar applicant or anything, just how the interview time line went!

Focus on preparing for your interviews at ECU and NOVA at the moment since they are currently the front runners for you!
I applied to 11 schools and received 2 interviews from my safe schools so far.

Undergrad: UNC-Chapel Hill
Major: Biology, B.S
Application verified: 7/27
U.S Army veteran

My stats are cGPA 3.63, sGPA 3.36, DAT 23AA, 22TS, 23PAT. I applied to UNC, UMich, ECU, UB, UPitt, USC, NOVA, UK, Tufts, Temple, VCU

I received an interview from ECU and NOVA so far. My concern is, I see people with lower stats getting interviews from my ”reach” schools. Is it less likely that I will receive an interview if I wasn’t offered for the first interview Cycle? Should I be concerned?

Thank you
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