Questions About Retaking an Online Class

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2+ Year Member
Nov 9, 2018
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I did a self-directed post-bacc last year to take medical prerequisites + some higher level pre-health courses that I didn't take while in college.

During my post-bacc I took my first semester of Intro Physics lecture in a classroom, but took the second semester online over the summer. Both semesters of labs were taken in person. I am planning to apply to both DO and MD schools next year, but I only recently learned that online coursework for prerequisites isn't accepted at a large fraction of MD schools. 🙁

I am thinking of retaking that semester of Intro Physics in the classroom this Fall at the same institution, and had some questions for anyone who might be able to advise:
- Is this my best option so that I can easily apply to MD schools that don't accept prerequisites taken online?
- If so, is retaking that same exact class (in the classroom this time) at the same institution the best route for me to take?
- Lastly, would both grades for these courses (the online + classroom versions would have identical course numbers in my transcript) factor into my overall/science GPA for AACOMAS and AMCAS apps? I'd guess that for AMCAS they both would-- but since DO schools usually accept online prerequisites anyway, I'm not so sure how this would work.

Thanks for any advice/answers anyone can provide!

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1. yes this is your best option
2. retaking at same institution, if your school allows it, is fine
3. all grades will be factored in, so both takes would be counted. On AMCAS, this would be a retake

Thanks so much!