MD & DO Re-Applying: What's the Best Way to Improve?

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7+ Year Member
Jun 17, 2016
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Hello Everyone,

I applied last cycle (all allopathic except 1 osteopathic for 2017 matriculation) to no avail. I interviewed at three schools with two rejections and one wait-list. I think the schools I applied to were appropriate for my GPA/MCAT/background (a sincere thanks to @Goro for help with that). However I wanted advice on how to best improve for a successful re-application for the next cycle (for 2019 matriculation). Below is my information from this past cycle as well as some ideas I had for improvement, please let me know what you think. Thank you all so much!

1. MCAT 508 - 79th Percentile (127 PS / 125 CARS / 129 BS / 127 Psych)
2. 3.49 cGPA - 3.41 sGPA (includes a B- in gen chem 2, and a C- in orgo 1)
3. Undergrad: competitive private academic
4. Residency: currently OH, previously NY and PA
5. White

1. Rich clinical research experience with presentations (3x, pub underway), all employment, all with ptt contact
2. Lots of campus leadership experiences including award of recognition
3. Shadowed many physicians for somewhat brief periods
4. A year of volunteering experience with elderly community

LORs from 3 science profs (one I TA'ed for), 2 PIs (1 MD 1 PhD), a school pre-health committee letter

IDEAS (not mutually exclusive, and I am very open to more suggestions)
1. Retake orgo 1 and/or take a new upper-level bio course (e.g. microbio)
2. Pursue master's degree before re-applying (I've always had interest in MPH, just thought it would be best to take along with MD/DO or after)
3. Re-take MCAT

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A DIY post bacc at a local college in the coming year would help you by increasing your GPA. Your MCAT is fine. In next year's cycle apply to all your Ohio MD schools (except Case). Your chances for a MD acceptance are in the 50% range so I suggest applying to at least 10 DO schools and you are competitive for all DO schools.
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