Reaching out for advice (work exp. and pre-pharm)

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5+ Year Member
May 3, 2018
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Hello SDN community,

I need some advice on my situation:

  • I have been working at the same fast job for 3 years after my H.S. graduation and preparing to transition as a pharmacy technician
  • I want to leave my job after I have completed my fall semester at a local C.C. to fulfill the pre-requisites toward applying for pharm. school at my state university
  • My course load is heavy and I'm taking summer classes to speed up the process. I am confident in my ability to succeed but in the past I did not have an excellent history (~3.2 GPA in H.S. and poor ACT score) I am aiming for the highest marks so that I am well-prepared to endure the rigor of pharm. school (if I get accepted in a couple years) by taking the max number of credits possible
  • I will be active by seeking to volunteer in my community, communicating with professors about my career, etc.
Taking things one step at a time, what advice can you give to me after looking at my situation in brief. Feel free to ask me brief questions.

Thank-you kindly,
Pre-pharm student

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I would start looking for tech jobs now. If you know that's what you want to do, why not?

Also, getting good grades is more important than having "rigorous" academic terms. Be willing to drop one course if doing poorly in a term.
I would start looking for tech jobs now. If you know that's what you want to do, why not?

Also, getting good grades is more important than having "rigorous" academic terms. Be willing to drop one course if doing poorly in a term.
Thank-you for your insights. I will consider that moving ahead!
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It sounds like you're taking all of the right steps. Have you plotted out a timeline for when you will complete all of your pre-reqs, take the PCAT, and apply for pharmacy school? Then you can on a more detailed level start planning for all the components of your application. With your GPA history, a strong PCAT score would really make you stand out!
It sounds like you're taking all of the right steps. Have you plotted out a timeline for when you will complete all of your pre-reqs, take the PCAT, and apply for pharmacy school? Then you can on a more detailed level start planning for all the components of your application. With your GPA history, a strong PCAT score would really make you stand out!

Yes, I have plotted out a timeline for meeting my pre-reqs., PCAT, and I am aware of the deadlines for applying for pharm. school. I will consider your tip about the application.
