question and answer

  1. P

    Peds Neuropsych Q

    I’m a Psy.D. student in my pre-doctoral internship year at a healthcare organization in the US. I’m interested in eventually specializing in pediatric neuropsychology. I have experience in pediatrics, CBT, doing assessments for schools, and for ADHD in healthcare settings. Unfortunately, neither...
  2. Neuro Spartan D.O.

    How accurate is this statement for DO reapplications:

    "Assuming you didn't get in anywhere previously, schools will only know whether you are reapplying to their program, but not others. Moreover, they can only see your previous application if they saved it in their database. However, med schools to which you are applying for the first time will...
  3. L

    My Best Option...

    Hello all, I'm pretty new to sdn but I really like the community and a lot of you seem to be very knowledgeable about these topics. Right now I find myself in a predicament with respect to applying to schools, and I wanted to see what my best options are. I'll just give my stats straight away...
  4. D

    Requirements and Questions for Students at Case Western Reserve School of Dental Medicine

    Hi! I was recently told that Case Western is changing a lot of things in their dental school. I'm really considering this school so if anyone can help me out with these questions, that would be wonderful! 1.) What are the clinical requirements for graduation? Number of crowns, restos...
  5. G

    shadowing question

    Hi, I am wondering how much shadowing an ophthalmologist would help my application for medical school?
  6. O

    Should I go into forensic psychology? Is it worth it?

    Hi, I just found this website and I thought this might be the perfect place to ask some questions. I'm going into college soon and I was thinking about majoring in psychology. I was reading about all of the different psychology career paths and forensic psychology caught my interest. Correct me...
  7. alwaysstaypositive

    Reaching out for advice (work exp. and pre-pharm)

    Hello SDN community, I need some advice on my situation: I have been working at the same fast job for 3 years after my H.S. graduation and preparing to transition as a pharmacy technician I want to leave my job after I have completed my fall semester at a local C.C. to fulfill the...
  8. A

    Too old to become a military doc?

    Hello everyone, I have been doing internet marketing, web design, and other gigs for the past ten years. However, I am very tired of working behind a PC all day. That is why I decided to go the PA or NP route. Over the past year of my clinical experience, I have come to love the health field so...
  9. T

    The big question

    hi.... I know this question is brought up a lot but I will bring it up again. As a junior who is looking into the medical field, is it possible for me to become a DO. I have taken Bio1 and 2 and passed with A's but I have only taken Chem 1 and got an 85%. My teacher said I better change my mind...
  10. M

    Free NAPLEX questions

    Hey Guys, Just sharing a nice website I found to prepare to NAPLEX exam, thought it might be useful: naplex Practice Exam and Questions | certMD test prep Michelle
  11. Char_Beyy

    Survey for Extended Project

    I would really appreciate it if anyone could do my online survey for my extended project as it is part of my college course. It is in regards to fibromyalgia which has a considerable link to women's health. Fibromyalgia Questionnaire Survey
  12. Tallon

    DAT 2016 questions

    Took the DAT noticed they had some questions that were straight up wrong. What do I do?
  13. D

    Health Science Career Path Questions

    Hello: I have a few questions to ask and any information provided would be greatly appreciated. 1. I plan on entering an AS in Respiratory Care program this upcoming fall so that I may become a Respiratory Therapist. If I plan on getting a more advanced degree in the future would getting a...
  14. Roayer

    What should I do to get into Med school at this point?

    I have a few questions. My first semester freshman year was a fiasco....I dropped a class and made a 2.51 with a B in General Chemistry 1. Before that semester I got a MW for an intensive summer course. I suffer from post-concussive syndrome and that affected my first semester. Since then I...
  15. elarabym

    NBDE Part II Question Discussion 2015

    Hello Guys! I am doing NBDE exam soon and would like to share and discuss questions here. Anyone is welcome to share their knowledge and post their own questions they doubt. I will start with few questions now, hopefully we can learn from each other. Starting with operative now! Dental...
  16. DesitnationMD

    Official AAMC Practice Test 1 (Nov 2015) Q&A

    With the AAMC finally releasing a practice test (with scoring) for the new MCAT, I figured its time to have a QnA thread like we have for all the older practice tests.