Reactions to "So you want to be a military doctor" video

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Feb 28, 2020
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Hi all,

I've been thinking about going the military path and recently found this video.

Not sure how reputable the source is but seems legitimate. Just curious to hear reactions from people with knowledge of military medicine.


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Hi all,

I've been thinking about going the military path and recently found this video.

Not sure how reputable the source is but seems legitimate. Just curious to hear reactions from people with knowledge of military medicine.


The content of it is accurate, in as much as what a recruiter would tell you. But there's a lot of things that are not covered, (deployments, choice of specialty, GMO tours, etc etc). You can find much of it here in these threads. Read up.

side bar question: what's with the narrator's voice? I that computer generated?
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The content of it is accurate, in as much as what a recruiter would tell you. But there's a lot of things that are not covered, (deployments, choice of specialty, GMO tours, etc etc). You can find much of it here in these threads. Read up.

side bar question: what's with the narrator's voice? I that computer generated?

I wish there were stickies on the military medicine forum that has all of this other important and pertinent information in one single area. I spent upwards of 20 hrs searching for all of the information you mentioned, and if I was lucky, I would find an answer that was oftentimes 5-10+ years old
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Its a little army centric and over-emphasizes the relative importance of GMO tour frequency versus operational tours for attendings. The claim that general surgeons perform neurosurgery while deployed is not accurate. They might do more vascular and trauma than they would at home but they don't practice outside the scope of general surgery subspecialties. They are careful to use the word "generally" WRT to payback which is good. Military physicians are paid a little better than they suggest. Its not clear to me what they are selling.
I wish there were stickies on the military medicine forum that has all of this other important and pertinent information in one single area. I spent upwards of 20 hrs searching for all of the information you mentioned, and if I was lucky, I would find an answer that was oftentimes 5-10+ years old

I’ve been working on this. Trouble is each service (army, navy, Air Force) and each specialty have variability in the details. It also changes by the year based on needs of each service. Impossible to keep up.
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Somewhat of a propaganda video...What a lot of these things don't explain is that the time owed does not include residency...
Seems fairly basic, but most of what is said is accurate. The pay is a bit off. Seems to focus on the logistics of the process to join, while glossing over the post training lifestyle. Like when he says in passing sometimes you serve in active war zones and have to be away from your family. I can tell you for my specialty 'sometimes' currently means being away 4-9 months every 12 months for some of us.