Regarding cheating.

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M0DE 01
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May 11, 2004
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Ever since high school me and a group of my close friends have joined together to distribute the academic work load of our classes amongst ourselves so that each of us individually would have to do a minimal amount of work. Luckily most of us ended up going to the same college and our alliance has continued(successfully so far) however I am becoming increasingly worried that one of us may be apprehended for our "crimes"(I put crimes in quotes because it isnt really a crime unless it has a victim). I know surely that I will not be the one caught because I am extremely paranoid of this happening. My friend who we shall call "Bill" however cheats carelessly. In highschool this was not a problem as the teachers were basically oblivious to our subterfuge. Now though in college there are increased levels of security and I fear that Bill may slip and bring down the whole group of us including myself.

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so you want sympathy/advice from random people online?
MEG@COOL said:
Ever since high school me and a group of my close friends have joined together to distribute the academic work load of our classes amongst ourselves so that each of us individually would have to do a minimal amount of work. Luckily most of us ended up going to the same college and our alliance has continued(successfully so far) however I am becoming increasingly worried that one of us may be apprehended for our "crimes"(I put crimes in quotes because it isnt really a crime unless it has a victim). I know surely that I will not be the one caught because I am extremely paranoid of this happening. My friend who we shall call "Bill" however cheats carelessly. In highschool this was not a problem as the teachers were basically oblivious to our subterfuge. Now though in college there are increased levels of security and I fear that Bill may slip and bring down the whole group of us including myself.

Cut Bill out of the group, disconnect from him, and, if he refuses, turn him in and extricate yourself from the situation. Then, find somebody new who is smarter about such things. You dont want somebody else's stupid mistake to drag you down.
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The victims include society because by turning in work you are purporting it to be your own and stating that you understand it. Victims also include your classmates who bust their butts to do what you have others do for you. Would you want your doctor to do this?

The simple answer is to STOP CHEATING! You could get caught and in college bad things happen!
arob34 said:

The victims include society because by turning in work you are purporting it to be your own and stating that you understand it. Victims also include your classmates who bust their butts to do what you have others do for you. Would you want your doctor to do this?

The simple answer is to STOP CHEATING! You could get caught and in college bad things happen!

Guess what. when a doctor doesnt feel like doing work, he hands it off to someone else. Reality check, please.
Ross434 said:
Cut Bill out of the group, disconnect from him, and, if he refuses, turn him in and extricate yourself from the situation. Then, find somebody new who is smarter about such things. You dont want somebody else's stupid mistake to drag you down.

I agree :D :D
MEG@COOL said:
Ever since high school me and a group of my close friends have joined together to distribute the academic work load of our classes amongst ourselves so that each of us individually would have to do a minimal amount of work. Luckily most of us ended up going to the same college and our alliance has continued(successfully so far) however I am becoming increasingly worried that one of us may be apprehended for our "crimes"(I put crimes in quotes because it isnt really a crime unless it has a victim). I know surely that I will not be the one caught because I am extremely paranoid of this happening. My friend who we shall call "Bill" however cheats carelessly. In highschool this was not a problem as the teachers were basically oblivious to our subterfuge. Now though in college there are increased levels of security and I fear that Bill may slip and bring down the whole group of us including myself.

Are you supposed to be my competition for med school? I hope you get caught. It's not like it matters if you do or don’t though. There's no way you will be successful on the MCAT if you cheated and bottom fed you way though you’re undergraduate program. Do you think that med schools won’t be suspicious when they see a 3.8 GPA and 18 cum MCAT score? I don't care what happens to you guys. You’re not getting any sympathy from me. Some of us work for our grades. You guys are a disgrace to anyone that works for what they achieve. If indeed you do get into med school, what will you do when there are no friends around to help you cheat?


cut bill out and you will be fine. to the other fools, worry about yourselves.
clc8503 said:
Are you supposed to be my competition for med school? I hope you get caught. It's not like it matters if you do or don’t though. There's no way you will be successful on the MCAT if you cheated and bottom fed you way though you’re undergraduate program. Do you think that med schools won’t be suspicious when they see a 3.8 GPA and 18 cum MCAT score? I don't care what happens to you guys. You’re not getting any sympathy from me. Some of us work for our grades. You guys are a disgrace to anyone that works for what they achieve. If indeed you do get into med school, what will you do when there are no friends around to help you cheat?


They will probably do the work on their own. And its possible to cheat on the MCAT too.
clc8503 said:
Are you supposed to be my competition for med school? I hope you get caught. It's not like it matters if you do or don’t though. There's no way you will be successful on the MCAT if you cheated and bottom fed you way though you’re undergraduate program. Do you think that med schools won’t be suspicious when they see a 3.8 GPA and 18 cum MCAT score? I don't care what happens to you guys. You’re not getting any sympathy from me. Some of us work for our grades. You guys are a disgrace to anyone that works for what they achieve. If indeed you do get into med school, what will you do when there are no friends around to help you cheat?


i remember your type from undergrad... sit in the front, up the teacher's ass, first to answer questions, already read the next week's material, right?

you'll probably have anxiety attacks and need to be put on medication while the OP and his buddies enjoy school and don't need to pop pills just to get through the day. ease up on the sanctimonous speeches.
Ross434 said:
Guess what. when a doctor doesnt feel like doing work, he hands it off to someone else. Reality check, please.

How many doctors have you seen do this? The doctor might let his nurse do something simple or minor. Do you want a doctor that had to cheat his way though the basic pre-med requirements in order to have a glimpse at med school? If you ask me, you’re the one that needs the reality check! If the cheater that you are supporting did not learn anything in class, then he/she is only screwing themself over for the MCAT anyway. Personally, I hope he/she does poorly.
Ross434 said:
Guess what. when a doctor doesnt feel like doing work, he hands it off to someone else. Reality check, please.

In what situation have you ever seen that happen? If a doctor has responsibility for a patient, he is liable to a malpractice suit if he does not ensure that they receive the current standard of care. Handing it off to someone else? Sure, if that someone else is somebody covering for him when he goes home.
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I think you suck and I hope you get caught. :D

And by the way, I could care less what grades others are earning, but I think cheating is pretty obnoxious. You have to grow up and do your own work as some point.
Ross434 said:
They will probably do the work on their own. And its possible to cheat on the MCAT too.

How does one cheat on the MCAT?
typeB-md said:

cut bill out and you will be fine. to the other fools, worry about yourselves.

This guy turns out a post on the “World Wide Web” and you tell us to worry about ourselves! When you ask for opinions on the internet, you better expect to get more than what you just want to here. By the way, you were right about everything accept being up the teacher's *** and popping pills. I do what I must in order to succeed. Where's the shame in that?

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Wasn't this a movie? Slackers? It had Jason Schwartzman in it and is hilarious. It's also a cautionary tale. You don't want to have to print your degrees off on your printer.
clc8503 said:
How many doctors have you seen do this? The doctor might let his nurse do something simple or minor. Do you want a doctor that had to cheat his way though the basic pre-med requirements in order to have a glimpse at med school? If you ask me, you’re the one that needs the reality check! If the cheater that you are supporting did not learn anything in class, then he/she is only screwing themself over for the MCAT anyway. Personally, I hope he/she does poorly.
I always wonder why people ask "would you want a doctor that cheated through school"...First of all if you are smart enough to cheat your way through undergrad, or medical school for that matter, without getting caught you must be halfway intellegent in the first place. Professors in college are by no means idiots and, more than likely, they have seen people try to cheat in every way possible before and know what to look for. Second, if a person is not capable of doing the work (i.e. memorizing endless facts, passing the boards, etc) they will never become a doctor. If your name has M.D. after it, that means you have been found capable of being a doctor by some accredited medical school. To the OP, if you feel that you are not harming yourself in the long run, I don't see what the big deal is. I would like to see anyone here stand up and post that they have NEVER cheated in any shape, form, or fashion.
all of you need to shut your trick asses up....

now listen to the OP...he asked a simple question and let's evaluate his don't know the history or the circumstances of the situation and the OP didn't ask for your stop givin' them to him....

now listen need to have a talk with this dude "bill" or cut him from the crew cause he could cause a disaster...then you have MUCH BIGGER problems...

thats the simple go do it.....and don't keep gambling w/ this....i'm sure you know the repurcussions....

Ross434 said:
Cut Bill out of the group, disconnect from him, and, if he refuses, turn him in and extricate yourself from the situation. Then, find somebody new who is smarter about such things. You dont want somebody else's stupid mistake to drag you down.

That's terrible. Simply terrible. What ever happened to loyalty? To friendship? Or how about responsibility?

Don't even dare call me "naive." These traits do exist - believe or not, not everyone is ready to stab their friends in the back to avoid getting mud on their hands. Quite honestly, I would not feel comfortable working with OR being a patient of a doctor who thinks the way you do, or behaves in such a contemptible manner. Cheating is bad; betraying your friends is much, much worse. :thumbdown:
clc8503 said:
Are you supposed to be my competition for med school? I hope you get caught. It's not like it matters if you do or don’t though. There's no way you will be successful on the MCAT if you cheated and bottom fed you way though you’re undergraduate program. Do you think that med schools won’t be suspicious when they see a 3.8 GPA and 18 cum MCAT score? I don't care what happens to you guys. You’re not getting any sympathy from me. Some of us work for our grades. You guys are a disgrace to anyone that works for what they achieve. If indeed you do get into med school, what will you do when there are no friends around to help you cheat?


Sorry caraway I dont think that will be a problem. I took the MCAT this weekend and was scoring mid 30's on the practice tests. How about you get a life instead of making baseless accusations.
With regards to this topic, I will say this as lighthearted as possible...Look out for number ONE.
MEG@COOL is a troll; don't be bother by what he/she/it writes.
MEG@COOL said:
Sorry caraway I dont think that will be a problem. I took the MCAT this weekend and was scoring mid 30's on the practice tests. How about you get a life instead of making baseless accusations.

Hmmm mid 30s huh. It's funny how you say mid 30s instead of an exact number. Sounds like a lie me. As far as getting a life is concerned, you’re the one starting a thread that’s main subject is how incompetent you are (especially your friend). Besides, your opinions are merely hypothetical to me. Anyway, I got to go to my lab that starts at 6:00 pm so that I can earn my grade, unlike you.

clc8503 said:
Hmmm mid 30s huh. It's funny how you say mid 30s instead of an exact number. Sounds like a lie me. As far as getting a life is concerned, you’re the one starting a thread that’s main subject is how incompetent you are (especially your friend). Besides, your opinions are merely hypothetical to me. Anyway, I got to go to my lab that starts at 6:00 pm so that I can earn my grade, unlike you.


Newsflash, the MCAT is not that hard. If you have decent logic skills and good reading comprehension the MCAT is really only a filter for the weak students with bloated gpa's.

Your posts came off as a lot more trollish. Don't hate on him b/c you're jealous of his MCAT score and the fact that he has a system for getting by all the bull**** busy work ugrads throw at him.

In retrospect, I should have used systems like his... it would have saved me time and energy. Being proud of your mechanical mindless work doesn't mean **** when you realize you've lost out on the best years of your life being a nerd.

Medical school takes all types.
clc8503 said:
Are you supposed to be my competition for med school?


Because that's probably the most important issue at hand here...
Take your head out of your textbooks and try to use common sense. He said "practice tests," as in more than one test. If he scored 34, 35, and 36 on three tests, any normal person would refer to that as "mid 30s."

clc8503 said:
Hmmm mid 30s huh. It's funny how you say mid 30s instead of an exact number. Sounds like a lie me. As far as getting a life is concerned, you’re the one starting a thread that’s main subject is how incompetent you are (especially your friend). Besides, your opinions are merely hypothetical to me. Anyway, I got to go to my lab that starts at 6:00 pm so that I can earn my grade, unlike you.

It's "hear" and "except." Go consult your textbooks.

clc8503 said:
This guy turns out a post on the “World Wide Web” and you tell us to worry about ourselves! When you ask for opinions on the internet, you better expect to get more than what you just want to here. By the way, you were right about everything accept being up the teacher's *** and popping pills. I do what I must in order to succeed. Where's the shame in that?

Meg@Cool is a troll if I've ever seen one, but I'll go ahead and post my two cents. First, to whomever asked it, I've never cheated on anything intentionally, ever. I certainly can't remember cheating unintentionally, haha! Secondly, while I can see the utility of cheating your way into certain professions, I don't see the usefulness of cheating your way into and/or through med school. Lets say you could fake your way all the way up, cheat through undergrad, on the MCAT, through med school and the boards. You manage to become a doctor without knowing anything but how to con your way through. I'm sure it's possible. What do you do then? Success as a physician is entirely dependent on performance. If you didn't learn your **** in med school, there's no way you'll succeed very long as a physician. If you don't know what you're doing, you'll kill patients and you won't keep any jobs very long.

This is not to mention the fact that I think it would be far easier to learn interesting stuff than to cheat your way through.

This is an unusually trollish post, even for MEG@COOL. Bring up a sensitive topic in a manner that you know will piss a lot of people off, and then step back and watch the pre-meds fight... You can do better than that, MEG.
clc8503 said:
This guy turns out a post on the “World Wide Web” and you tell us to worry about ourselves! When you ask for opinions on the internet, you better expect to get more than what you just want to here. By the way, you were right about everything accept being up the teacher's *** and popping pills. I do what I must in order to succeed. Where's the shame in that?


so you accept being up the teacher's butt and popping pills... i guess there are no exceptions to this rule!

you do what you must in order to succeed... so is this dude in his buddies. seems like he has one up on you. take out your pencil and learn.

and btw.. your type is a dime a dozen. i'll also let you know that you WILL be on pills when you start med school. i just take a look at my classmates... yours is coming.
typeB-md said:
so you accept being up the teacher's butt and popping pills... i guess there are no exceptions to this rule!

you do what you must in order to succeed... so is this dude in his buddies. seems like he has one up on you. take out your pencil and learn.

and btw.. your type is a dime a dozen. i'll also let you know that you WILL be on pills when you start med school. i just take a look at my classmates... yours is coming.

Grow up already. Could you be any more childish? I do not pop pills now nor will I in med school. At least with me it’s a question “when” not “if” when it comes to med school. All jokes aside, hard work does pay off in the end. Your have your opinions and have mine. We'll see who makes it further in the long run. For the record, I said I work for my grades. I did not say that it takes every ounce of energy that I have. I maintain my grades, shadow/volunteer 8-16 hours a week, see my friends, and still have time for my girlfriend. I am planning on taking the MCAT this fall, and I know that my hard work will pay off. We'll see who makes it further in life between me and your dumb *** slacker friend.

clc8503 said:
Grow up already. Could you be any more childish? I do not pop pills now nor will I in med school. At least with me it’s a question “when” not “if” when it comes to med school. All jokes aside, hard work does pay off in the end. Your have your opinions and have mine. We'll see who makes it further in the long run. For the record, I said I work for my grades. I did not say that it takes every ounce of energy that I have. I maintain my grades, shadow/volunteer 8-16 hours a week, see my friends, and still have time for my girlfriend. I am planning on taking the MCAT this fall, and I know that my hard work will pay off. We'll see who makes it further in life between me and your dumb *** slacker friend.


Caraway I love reading your posts, since it is quite obvious that you only know how to be condescending and inflammatory on SDN. For my sake and for the sake of many others, please keep excelling at being a total douchebag.


Definitely cut out the weakest link. Survival of the fittest, man.

I can't believe anyone takes this seriously. :laugh:
First of all, the original post doesn't sound like cheating per say. All I read was that you're spreading out the busy work / assignments over a group of friends. That's called utilizing all of your resources, and it doesn't mean that you're not learning the material, or that you're cheating on tests and exams, which is where a majority of under graduate grades come from...

Most importantly, if everyone else is cheating..., and you're not cheating..., then you're really just cheating yourself. You don't really want to do that, do you?
TheProwler said:
Definitely cut out the weakest link. Survival of the fittest, man.

I can't believe anyone takes this seriously. :laugh:

truly an ode to the stress of premeds i say.
Rzarecta said:
Caraway I love reading your posts, since it is quite obvious that you only know how to be condescending and inflammatory on SDN. For my sake and for the sake of many others, please keep excelling at being a total douchebag.





NCSUco04 said:
First of all, the original post doesn't sound like cheating per say. All I read was that you're spreading out the busy work / assignments over a group of friends. That's called utilizing all of your resources, and it doesn't mean that you're not learning the material, or that you're cheating on tests and exams, which is where a majority of under graduate grades come from...

Most importantly, if everyone else is cheating..., and you're not cheating..., then you're really just cheating yourself. You don't really want to do that, do you?

I think thats being a tad euphamistic(sp?). I like to "utilize my resoursces" not because I'm lazy but because I'm a "convenience enthusiast".
vikaskoth said:
so you want sympathy/advice from random people online?

OP: if this is a real post, which i sorta question....

so you want sympathy/advice from random people online when you are knowingly doing somehting wrong?

get out of the cheat group, get some integrity and move on from there, thanking God you never were caught and still have a chance at med school. really how stupid can you be?
clc8503 said:
Are you supposed to be my competition for med school? I hope you get caught. It's not like it matters if you do or don’t though. There's no way you will be successful on the MCAT if you cheated and bottom fed you way though you’re undergraduate program. Do you think that med schools won’t be suspicious when they see a 3.8 GPA and 18 cum MCAT score? I don't care what happens to you guys. You’re not getting any sympathy from me. Some of us work for our grades. You guys are a disgrace to anyone that works for what they achieve. If indeed you do get into med school, what will you do when there are no friends around to help you cheat?


that won't happen, he'll cheat on the MCAT too :smuggrin:
typeB-md said:
i remember your type from undergrad... sit in the front, up the teacher's ass, first to answer questions, already read the next week's material, right?

you'll probably have anxiety attacks and need to be put on medication while the OP and his buddies enjoy school and don't need to pop pills just to get through the day. ease up on the sanctimonous speeches.

chill dude, he's 100% right and you know it
Will Ferrell said:
MEG@COOL is a troll; don't be bother by what he/she/it writes.
that's exactly what i thought and really didn't believe the post
Peterock said:
Newsflash, the MCAT is not that hard. If you have decent logic skills and good reading comprehension the MCAT is really only a filter for the weak students with bloated gpa's.

Your posts came off as a lot more trollish. Don't hate on him b/c you're jealous of his MCAT score and the fact that he has a system for getting by all the bull**** busy work ugrads throw at him.

In retrospect, I should have used systems like his... it would have saved me time and energy. Being proud of your mechanical mindless work doesn't mean **** when you realize you've lost out on the best years of your life being a nerd.

Medical school takes all types.

what is wrong with you people? caraway is 100% right, anyone who has to cheat is pathetic. why is everyone attacking him? i am shocked at how many people are supporting cheating.

and if the MCAT was so easy what did you earn? or didn't you actually earn it?
clc8503 said:
Grow up already. Could you be any more childish? I do not pop pills now nor will I in med school. At least with me it’s a question “when” not “if” when it comes to med school. All jokes aside, hard work does pay off in the end. Your have your opinions and have mine. We'll see who makes it further in the long run. For the record, I said I work for my grades. I did not say that it takes every ounce of energy that I have. I maintain my grades, shadow/volunteer 8-16 hours a week, see my friends, and still have time for my girlfriend. I am planning on taking the MCAT this fall, and I know that my hard work will pay off. We'll see who makes it further in life between me and your dumb *** slacker friend.


i actually respect what you stand for and don't think you are condescending at all; can't understand why most people do not appreciate hard work and honesty in life.
Thanks Doctor Psycho. I was beginning to think everyone was insane. Maybe there’s still hope after all.

Psycho Doctor said:
what is wrong with you people? caraway is 100% right, anyone who has to cheat is pathetic. why is everyone attacking him? i am shocked at how many people are supporting cheating.

and if the MCAT was so easy what did you earn? or didn't you actually earn it?

Drugs are bad... mmmmmkay and cheating is wrong...mmmmkay.

Thanks for the premed lesson in self-righteous morality.

and PD - i teach for PR - biology (funny, since I didn't even have intro bio, genetics or physiology when I took the MCAT).
Nice guys finish last.

PS: I love how Psycho Doctor always posts multiple consecutive posts to increase his post count. What a post ***** :smuggrin:
fpr85 said:
Nice guys finish last.

PS: I love how Psycho Doctor always posts multiple consecutive posts to increase his post count. What a post ***** :smuggrin:

(that's a lot of "posts"... lol)
Or... perhaps it's just easier to reply with quotes individually. Why would he care what his post count is? I don't understand why Psycho takes such a beating on this board.