religiosity and secondaries

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2+ Year Member
Jan 16, 2023
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Hello, I am currently trudging through secondaries and am curious whether or not I should talk about my faith for certain schools with jesuit/christian/catholic values such as Loyola and Georgetown. Loma Linda is quite obvious, as it blatantly wants me to talk about my involvement in church, but other schools I am not so sure about. I have a lot of clinical experience/background and don't feel the need to talk about my faith unless its pertinent to the school's mission but at the same time am wondering if it will help.

Any feedback or tips are greatly appreciated! 🙂

Just some stats in case
1. 3.6 cGPA, 3.8 sGPA, 4.0 post bacc gpa, strong upward curve.
2. 511 total MCAT, 127 CHEM, 127 CARS, 128 BIO, 129 PSYCH
3. CA native, resident
4. ORM, asian
5. Graduated from UC Irvine
6. Tons of clinical experience, worked as a MA, Phlebotomist, lab assistant
7. Minor research experience at UCI, but have done a lot of lab work in public health
8. Lots of shadowing from family care, internal med
9. Lots of volunteering in education
10. Have a degree as a CLS (Clinical Lab Scientist, basically the people who analyze patient samples for labwork)

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Understand the Jesuit schools usually focus on the service to others part emulating St Ignatius Loyola (I think). Proper balance of your faith identity and respect for others (interfaith) is also very important. But these schools don't require you to attend mass, as far as I know.

Mission fit. it means a lot with Georgetown at least (cura personalis): About Cura Personalis - School of Medicine