Updating Your Information on Secondaries or in AMCAS

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New Member
Jul 25, 2024
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I just realized that I have my name on a poster for my research lab in a neurosurgery department. Is that something I should have included on my AMCAS application?

I am the second author on it, but I have already submitted AMCAS and TMDSAS along with 19 secondaries. I didn't include it originally because I didn't present it and it wasn't a publication. However, it was presented at a conference by the first author. Is this something that warrants the use of the "upload document tab" on my secondary portals to send in an update to the schools I'm applying to?

Thanks in advance.

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I just realized that I have my name on a poster for my research lab in a neurosurgery department. Is that something I should have included on my AMCAS application?

I am the second author on it, but I have already submitted AMCAS and TMDSAS along with 19 secondaries. I didn't include it originally because I didn't present it and it wasn't a publication. However, it was presented at a conference by the first author. Is this something that warrants the use of the "upload document tab" on my secondary portals to send in an update to the schools I'm applying to?

Thanks in advance.
It could merit an update, but I'd be judicious with when to use it. Many schools have limits on the number of updates you can use (some literally limit you to 2 total updates throughout the cycle!) so if you have other relevant updates you may want to submit later on (i.e. new research, new experiences, etc.) I would recommend you package the poster with that update.