Research as DO?

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Oct 27, 2015
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Wondering the same thing, I am interested in radiology research! I've talked to some of my undergraduate professors about this and they said it is somewhat rare to have and MD-non PhD grad doing research, but it does happen. From everything I've read, it would seem even more rare for a DO-non PhD grad.

I will say that it seems rather difficult to do both neurosurgery and research. I feel like the demand of neurosurgery would likely eat up all your time for research, but who knows, I'm no neurosurgeon.
I've applied to NYITCOM, but have some questions regarding research. I have a couple questions maybe someone can give me some insight.

I want to be a DO neurosurgeon, and also research. Is it possible to research as a DO without a PhD? Forgive me if this question has been asked before. I would like to research with a lab team, potentially leading the research, and also practice as a neurosurgeon. Also I want to research in a field that is not completely neurosurgery related, stem cells and organ production, producing organs like the pancreas, uterus, etc...

Is this all possible with just a DO or would a PhD be required as well? I think I've seen MD doctors researching, but not completely sure if all that I mentioned is possible as a DO doctor? and also if someone could please answer and give me guidance as to how would I would go about doing all this, I would be forever grateful.

Thank you

People typically say if you want neurosurgery, especially as a DO, you have to really really want it and be willing to give everything you can. If your interests are researching in a field not related to neurosurgery I think it may be a sign that you are not committed enough to the field.
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I've applied to NYITCOM, but have some questions regarding research. I have a couple questions maybe someone can give me some insight.

I want to be a DO neurosurgeon, and also research. Is it possible to research as a DO without a PhD? Forgive me if this question has been asked before. I would like to research with a lab team, potentially leading the research, and also practice as a neurosurgeon. Also I want to research in a field that is not completely neurosurgery related, stem cells and organ production, producing organs like the pancreas, uterus, etc...

Is this all possible with just a DO or would a PhD be required as well? I think I've seen MD doctors researching, but not completely sure if all that I mentioned is possible as a DO doctor? and also if someone could please answer and give me guidance as to how would I would go about doing all this, I would be forever grateful.

Thank you
Very, very rare but not impossible. Just ask her:
Patricia LoRusso, DO > Yale Cancer Center | Yale School of Medicine
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Thank you, something my dad always says, sigh
Lol wise man... but joking aside, becoming a neurosurgeon as a DO (even as an MD), will be tough - then again, very doable if you work hard every single day of medical school.

More power to you for having a strong idea of what you want in the future. Now concentrate on what's in front of you, and the next thing, and the next thing... you'll be happy in the end.

Good luck my friend!
What? Every neurosurgery residency will have a heavy research component. Just about every academic neurosurgeon does research.

Getting neurosurgery as a DO will require a lot of research output. Like a lot. Go look at the profile of the average matched applicant in the 2018 NRMP charting outcomes for osteopathic seniors. On top of that you will need copious amounts of luck. Most of the AOA programs will not survive the merger.

I highly suggest coming to accept the fact that you will likely never be a neurosurgeon. It’s ok to strive for it, but with neurosurgery you need to also have several back ups. Even perfect applicants don’t match.
At DMU we have plenty research opportunities most if not all bench work not clinical research
At DMU we have plenty research opportunities most if not all bench work not clinical research
On top of that though it isn’t THAT hard to find clinical if you actively seek it out. I know several people that are involved in projects. There isn’t any other med students in Des Moines mostly (save for a few Iowa ones on rotations)
At DMU we have plenty research opportunities most if not all bench work not clinical research

I’d rather have more clinical research options than bench work... Bench work publications are way too much work for what you get out of them!
is neuro its own residency like ortho or is it through GS or something else that i just dont know of
I’d rather have more clinical research options than bench work... Bench work publications are way too much work for what you get out of them!
but built in research at a DO school isn't that commonplace so it'd probably be best to take it. Just saying. And like I said, if you actively seek it out, then you'll get clinical research too. for sure as a clinical student but I'm only a second year and have projects in the works