Research publication and presentation

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How to list publications which were eventually presented?

  • List publications and presentations seperately

  • List it as a publication and then write "also presented" in comments.

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Apr 11, 2018
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I have a question regarding uploading publications and presentations onto AACOMAS. I read through old posts and I understand both go under achievements but I am confused whether to list them separately. The reason I ask is because I did some research which was published, and then the publication was presented as a poster at a conference.

So what I am asking is whether to put the article title and list it as a publication and then write in the comments it was also presented? Or should I add it as a second achievement with the title and list it as a presentation? If I do the latter, the title shows up twice as a publication and a presentation.

Thank you for your time and help.

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I think if you have space, you should list it as two separate achievements. IMO they are categorically different events that deserve its own place.
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I think if you have space, you should list it as two separate achievements. IMO they are categorically different events that deserve its own place.

That's what I was thinking too. I don't think there is a limit to how much you can add. I only asked this question and posted this forum because I didn't want my application to look repetitive.