Resume help?

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Ulnar Deviant
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15+ Year Member
Sep 3, 2005
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I'm doing research this summer and the hospital wants a "resume" on file just as standard procedure. I have a resume from undergrad which is basically chalk-full of everything I did throughout undergrad, but now its time to revamp a little... When we had a lunch lecture earlier this year they showed us some example "CVs" but they had slightly different content (maybe a couple more sections then I would have used on my standard resume), but they also seemed to have less detail (lists rather than descriptions). I know there are some slight differences between whats called a "resume" and what is called a "CV" (i.e. it appears that CVs can run over onto the next page without filling it whereas a resume should only use additional pages if you can completely fill those pages), but does anyone know what the big differences are between what we're supposed to come up with as medical students and what someone applying for an internship in undergrad would be? Any websites or other resources would be much appreciated...

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My understanding is that CV can be more extensive and more like lists. I used my research advisor's as a template and it has sections listing publications and abstracts, oral presentations, honors, experiences, etc. And it doesn't have descriptions or "goals." I'm still curious to see what format ERAS has for our resumes/CVs.