Retake Orgo I & II from community college (dual enrollment) at four-year university?

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Apr 14, 2021
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Hello! I took Orgo I & II (lecture only, no lab component) at my local community college senior year in high school for dual enrollmennt and ended with 'A's.

Should I retake Orgo I & II (lecture with lab) at my four-year university as the course may be harder at a university level and medical schools may not like to see prereqs taken at cc, but will admission officers frown upon seeing this course being retaken? Or should I just do the Orgo I&II lab component and take upper level Orgo III & IV courses (I think these are graduate level courses at my university) instead to show that I can handle the university level of difficulty? FYI, I plan on being a Chemistry major.

All insights appreciated!

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Hello! I took Orgo I & II (lecture only, no lab component) at my local community college senior year in high school for dual enrollmennt and ended with 'A's.

Should I retake Orgo I & II (lecture with lab) at my four-year university as the course may be harder at a university level and medical schools may not like to see prereqs taken at cc, but will admission officers frown upon seeing this course being retaken? Or should I just do the Orgo I&II lab component and take upper level Orgo III & IV courses (I think these are graduate level courses at my university) instead to show that I can handle the university level of difficulty? FYI, I plan on being a Chemistry major.

All insights appreciated!
If you will be a chemistry major, and you got As first time around, there is no point in repeating first orgo series from my perspective.

And I did bio, gen chem, and physics at CC before transferring to four-year, and didn't seem to impact my app except at the one or two schools out of 30+ to which I applied that specified they didn't accept CC credits (not sure if that's still a thing).