Retaking DAT in Late August and Submitting App Early

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Mar 14, 2018
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So I'm kind of in a big predicament right now.

I just got accepted to VCU's Summer Academic Enrichment Program (SAEP) last week and it's from May 22 to June 29th. It's basically a 6 week program where I take 3 dental school level classes (anatomy, pharmacology, and physiology) in VCU. I already took my DAT last october and did terribly (17 AA with a 14 in GC and 16 in Bio, yeah I know it's awful). I know I need to focus mainly on GC and Bio since those were my lowest scores.

My GPA right now is a 3.46 overall and 3.29 sci. I was planning on submitting my app in early June with my current DAT score and retaking it in late August since I won't be able to study until the first week of July. Obviously I'm going to notify every school that I'm planning to retake in late august, but is that considered to be too late at that point? I know the new scores probably won't get to the schools till late September probably.

I was thinking of not doing the SAEP program and just using that time to study for my retake, but I really want to improve my chances in getting into VCU because I'm a Virginia resident and it's my #1 choice. I actually know a couple of current dental students at VCU that did the program before they got accepted, and it apparently looks really good on your application.

Considering my circumstances, do you guys think it's worth doing the program but only studying 6-7 weeks for my retake, or should I just focus on studying for my DAT staring May and retake it in early July? I know my GPA is just on the cut-off, but I think my extra curricular is in good shape (President of the pre-dental club, tons of shadowing hours, volunteer hours, research experience). The only thing lacking in my app right now is my DAT score, and I know I need to score 21+. But I just have a feeling that this SAEP program is something that could possibly get my foot in the door for VCU if I do well in the program.


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So I'm kind of in a big predicament right now.

I just got accepted to VCU's Summer Academic Enrichment Program (SAEP) last week and it's from May 22 to June 29th. It's basically a 6 week program where I take 3 dental school level classes (anatomy, pharmacology, and physiology) in VCU. I already took my DAT last october and did terribly (17 AA with a 14 in GC and 16 in Bio, yeah I know it's awful). I know I need to focus mainly on GC and Bio since those were my lowest scores.

My GPA right now is a 3.46 overall and 3.29 sci. I was planning on submitting my app in early June with my current DAT score and retaking it in late August since I won't be able to study until the first week of July. Obviously I'm going to notify every school that I'm planning to retake in late august, but is that considered to be too late at that point? I know the new scores probably won't get to the schools till late September probably.

I was thinking of not doing the SAEP program and just using that time to study for my retake, but I really want to improve my chances in getting into VCU because I'm a Virginia resident and it's my #1 choice. I actually know a couple of current dental students at VCU that did the program before they got accepted, and it apparently looks really good on your application.

Considering my circumstances, do you guys think it's worth doing the program but only studying 6-7 weeks for my retake, or should I just focus on studying for my DAT staring May and retake it in early July? I know my GPA is just on the cut-off, but I think my extra curricular is in good shape (President of the pre-dental club, tons of shadowing hours, volunteer hours, research experience). The only thing lacking in my app right now is my DAT score, and I know I need to score 21+. But I just have a feeling that this SAEP program is something that could possibly get my foot in the door for VCU if I do well in the program.


IMO youve dig yourself in a kind of hole that you’ll need to get out of. Your Sgpa, while not detrimental, is still low and you need to score at least a 21 on the DAT. In an ideal world you should do both the program and study for the DAT. If VCU is your goal you should study for the DAT and do the program and work your butt off. If I were you, I’d start studying for the DAT right now and through your program. Take the DAT when you feel comfortable but go all in with SAEP and DAT studying. Don’t underestimate the importance of applying early as well as getting a good DAT score. You can do it, good luck!
Doing well on the DAT retake is far more important than any program. Make that your foremost priority. That said, I think you can do both. 6-7 weeks should be fine if you put everything into it, since this would be your second time studying for the test.
i had the same exact concern last year. I decided to study after the program because it's pretty demanding. tbh I don't think you can do both at the same time unless you got some crazy memorization skills and time management. Don't jeopardize this program. It's literally the closest thing they can evaluate on how well you'll do in dental school, even better than the DAT.
I studied my butt off during the program and studied a little after for the DAT in late aug (you need some time to recoup, trust me). I ended up studying for 4.5 weeks (2x Ari's study schedule) and got 22AA/23TS (all on or above 23 except bio (not enough time to memorize)).
If you have all your stuff ready to go before the program starts and submit asap your DAT, then you'll be fine. I took another week or so finalizing my app and schools ended up getting my app late sept/early oct. I applied to 13 and got 6 interview invites. It's true some school won't even get a chance to look at your app (like Maryland,Tufts,Michigan etc) but given your low GPA I think this is a miraculous opportunity for you to redeem yourself literally in front of the admission committee (they evaluate you at the end as "recommend, not recommend, highly recommend" to apply)