Roseman University Class of 2025 Interview/Acceptance Thread

How did you get accepted with those stats? Is that normal of roseman ?
Getting accepted isn’t all about having high stats....

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Has anyone been accepted off the waitlist in the last few days?
Nothing yet. It looks like it was only one person on Friday. But because the school was focused on graduation, they weren't able to meet. This week looks like they might call more of us.
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I got accepted!! just got the call from Dr Harman!! SUch as dream!!!
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I called the school last Monday, and I was told that they're meeting last week and will be meeting again this week to accept few more students. I wonder if anybody has heard anything recently :rolleyes:
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I called the school last Monday, and I was told that they're meeting last week and will be meeting again this week to accept few more students. I wonder if anybody has heard anything recently :rolleyes:
Just called yesterday. They might meet at the end of this week, if not, next week for sure to add more people from the waitlist. I’m with you there on the waiting game. Not fun, but we gotta get through it.
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Just called yesterday. They might meet at the end of this week, if not, next week for sure to add more people from the waitlist. I’m with you there on the waiting game. Not fun, but we gotta get through it.
Thanks for the update. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of us🤞🤞🤞
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I just got the phone call 🙈🙈🙈
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Current D4student here, thought I’d share my experience since many people have been asking. Not one regret choosing Roseman over my other acceptances. I am extremely impressed at how they handled the COVID situation. Although the clinic was completely closed for 3 months, once we started opening back up, I feel like they definitely hit the ground running. I was BEYOND nervous about losing clinic time and experience, but our school offered a COVID relief package to new patients AND current patients (basically free money to spend towards any dental care).. The dental clinic is very busy and I see about 3-5 patients A DAY, 4 days a week. We also don’t have to look for our own patients. I spoke with my friends who are also D4 students at other schools who told me their school is still scrambling to figure out how to recover their students from the Covid shut-down, no plan, just seeing how it will play out essentially.
Also, I was apart of the interview process for 2 years now and can confirm, it is open file. We have your application in front of us while asking you questions so DON’T LIE!!!!! Because we will know. The faculty interviewing you has your file weeks before your interview date and the faculty I interviewed prospective students with actually marked specific things from the application to ask.
Lastly, I really do wish everyone luck! It’s very unfortunate to hear rumors how our school sucks but like an earlier post said, if you PUT IN THE EFFORT, you will not feel anything is wasted. I’ve very much enjoyed my time here, have amazing relationship with a lot of faculty who I feel like I can run to at any time for guidance.
If you guys have any questions at all please feel free to message me.
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Quick add many of us have already taken the INBDE And passed. I don’t lnow anyone who has taken it so far and haven’t passed. I can honesty say every didactic course I’ve taken here prepped me well as asssesment questions are designed to be similar to ones you’d see on the boards
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Can I reach out to someone who is attending Roseman this year? I'd like to know more about the program.
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Current D4student here, thought I’d share my experience since many people have been asking. Not one regret choosing Roseman over my other acceptances. I am extremely impressed at how they handled the COVID situation. Although the clinic was completely closed for 3 months, once we started opening back up, I feel like they definitely hit the ground running. I was BEYOND nervous about losing clinic time and experience, but our school offered a COVID relief package to new patients AND current patients (basically free money to spend towards any dental care).. The dental clinic is very busy and I see about 3-5 patients A DAY, 4 days a week. We also don’t have to look for our own patients. I spoke with my friends who are also D4 students at other schools who told me their school is still scrambling to figure out how to recover their students from the Covid shut-down, no plan, just seeing how it will play out essentially.
Also, I was apart of the interview process for 2 years now and can confirm, it is open file. We have your application in front of us while asking you questions so DON’T LIE!!!!! Because we will know. The faculty interviewing you has your file weeks before your interview date and the faculty I interviewed prospective students with actually marked specific things from the application to ask.
Lastly, I really do wish everyone luck! It’s very unfortunate to hear rumors how our school sucks but like an earlier post said, if you PUT IN THE EFFORT, you will not feel anything is wasted. I’ve very much enjoyed my time here, have amazing relationship with a lot of faculty who I feel like I can run to at any time for guidance.
If you guys have any questions at all please feel free to message me.

Hi, I have a few questions.

What is your guys procedural requirements? Like the number of root canals you are expected to do? Also by having our application, are you able to see all of the schools we applied to and our responses to questions from different dental schools on the AADSAS portal?
Do you know what the current graduation requirements are in your final year?
Roseman use a competency based system, so there isn’t a set number. Some people get there faster than others.
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I'm a current D4. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.
Hi! As D4, would you say you feel prepared to practice dentistry on your own? Were you exposed to implant work? Do you know the pass rate for the new integrated boards?
Hi! As D4, would you say you feel prepared to practice dentistry on your own? Were you exposed to implant work? Do you know the pass rate for the new integrated boards?
We are now within a few months of graduation. I feel ready to get out and work. I’ve had the opportunity to work in a community health clinic, which provides a much more realistic work experience. It was fast paced, but helped me feel ready for ‘the real world’. I still think there is merit in being somewhere where you have mentors for your first few years. There is just so much to dentistry that you are always learning.
As for the iNDBE, I did mine the end of my D3 year and it was fine. I felt well prepared. From what I hear there is a 100% pass rate with my class, but I don’t know if that’s right or not.