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7+ Year Member
Mar 15, 2016
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Hey. Can anyone verify for me what it is that Roseman is looking for in terms of pre-reqs. It says 6 semester courses. Does this mean that I need 6 biology courses to satisfy this pre-req or is it something else?


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I assume it means 6 semester hours so thats two bio courses of 3 semester hours each or 3 credit hours each.
Why are you shooting for Roseman? If I were you I would target other schools. Roseman’s Pre clinical education is a joke. Instructors don’t care about teaching. They are just there to collect a pay check and possibly get their own loans forgiven.
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Why are you shooting for Roseman? If I were you I would target other schools. Roseman’s Pre clinical education is a joke. Instructors don’t care about teaching. They are just there to collect a pay check and possibly get their own loans forgiven.
Here we go again
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First hand experience.
Interesting. While expensive, the students that I have talked to have had nothing but good things to say about the school. Would you care to elaborate on your opinion??
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"You'll pay it off in no-time." - every "not-for-profit" private school admissions dean

Also, "expensive" is the way you describe an expensive watch, a nice car... an overpriced house. ($500,000) turns a great job into a life-long prison sentence.
Do they also have only good things to say about managing a half million dollars in student loans?

Big Hoss
No most of them said that I had better be comfortable living off about 40k a year for a decade or more. I put a lot of thought into it over the last 3 years or so and decided that despite the cost and the and debt load I will be taking on that I wanted to pursue something I could be happy waking up and doing every day. So given my stats I know I need to apply private and I am looking for the private school that gives me the best fit.

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( If you have a degree ) You can get a job for the next 5 years for 50k that would pay for you to re-take classes, bump your GPA, and give you time to re-take your DAT. In that time, you could move to an in-state school and pay <$200,000 for tuition. In the end, you only "live on $40,000" for 5 years (FYI- this is nearly impossible in most cities).

Not trying to be harsh, my point is that you should probably take a year or two to bump your stats and then re-apply. You will save yourself so much heartache down the road.
( If you have a degree ) You can get a job for the next 5 years for 50k that would pay for you to re-take classes, bump your GPA, and give you time to re-take your DAT. In that time, you could move to an in-state school and pay <$200,000 for tuition. In the end, you only "live on $40,000" for 5 years (FYI- this is nearly impossible in most cities).

Not trying to be harsh, my point is that you should probably take a year or two to bump your stats and then re-apply. You will save yourself so much heartache down the road.
I'm too many credits deep to bump my stats like that trust me I tried.

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I’d be careful with new private schools including Roseman. PM me if you want more specific details.

Tried to PM you for more details but was unable to. Not sure if it’s because I tried from mobile or not.
I’d be careful with new private schools including Roseman. PM me if you want more specific details.

I also tried to send you a PM, but I was not allowed to ("you cannot start a conversation with Rumple"). I was not on a mobile device. Can you try to message me? I would like to see if I can send my message in reply. Thanks!
I’d be careful with new private schools including Roseman. PM me if you want more specific details.
Cannot find PM button to you. Could you PM me? I Want to know more. Not that I applied to Roseman but want to know more about other schools.
I'm too many credits deep to bump my stats like that trust me I tried.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

How many credits do you already have? but bigger questions are what is your current GPA and DAT like?
How many credits do you already have? but bigger questions are what is your current GPA and DAT like?

Total credits (Ws and P/F classes) I am over 400. Total for graded in the AADSAS though was 384.35.

My oGPA is 2.78 and a DAT of 22/22

Summer 2016 through summer 2017 though, I took over 100 credits and had a 3.9 as an informal postbacc to raise my GPA and in my masters I have a 3.4. So I have a good recent history.
I’d be careful with new private schools including Roseman. PM me if you want more specific details.
Hi, I'm not able to PM you due to your settings I believe. I was wondering if you could shoot me a message instead!

Thank you!
Hi, I'm not able to PM you due to your settings I believe. I was wondering if you could shoot me a message instead!

Thank you!
I am catching a flight today but I will try and get it to you this weekend.
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