Rural Focused MD Schools

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May 1, 2023
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Hi all,

I have extensive experience with providing rural healthcare and education, and I'm looking at applying to medical schools that have a focus on rural medicine. I'm aware that a lot of DO schools are rurally focused and I plan on applying to several, as well as taking advantage of the linkage to one through my SMP. However, I'm also wanting to apply to some MD schools and have had some trouble finding sources on which ones have an emphasis on rural medicine?

I've heard UNR and Mercer University thrown around, but it seems that they're not OOS friendly from what I've seen?

Thanks so much for the insight and advice in advance :giggle:

Edit: I'll be a Virginia resident by the end of my SMP!

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the issue with most rural focused schools is that they have strong IS preference.
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the issue with most rural focused schools is that they have strong IS preference.
Would a rurally focused medical school be more OOS friendly if I had 1000+ hours of experience in rural health and education in their state?

I have several thousands of hours of clinical experience and patient care in rural hospitals spread across a few different states, and even had a stint as a public high school music teacher in a rural community. I also grew up in a rural community (population of 92 people) and faced rural medical issues in a state that I've since moved away from after finishing my undergrad.

Although I wouldn't be a current resident of any of the states I had the aforementioned experiences in, I feel that I could make an argument that I have strong "rurally related" ties to the state and was a resident at one point?
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Tufts - Maine Track is fairly OOS friendly. I had the chance to have a meeting with the Maine Track Dean who confirmed it was fairly OOS friendly.
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Hi all,

I have extensive experience with providing rural healthcare and education, and I'm looking at applying to medical schools that have a focus on rural medicine. I'm aware that a lot of DO schools are rurally focused and I plan on applying to several, as well as taking advantage of the linkage to one through my SMP. However, I'm also wanting to apply to some MD schools and have had some trouble finding sources on which ones have an emphasis on rural medicine?

I've heard UNR and Mercer University thrown around, but it seems that they're not OOS friendly from what I've seen?

Thanks so much for the insight and advice in advance :giggle:

Edit: I'll be a Virginia resident by the end of my SMP!
This post from 2020 has a pretty good list, that might help you get started. #5
In Texas: A&M, Lubbock, El Paso, and Tyler fit the bill ( but Tyler is new and probably will take very few OOS for a while)
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This post from 2020 has a pretty good list, that might help you get started. #5
In Texas: A&M, Lubbock, El Paso, and Tyler fit the bill ( but Tyler is new and probably will take very few OOS for a while)
This past year, A&M even furthered its commitment to rural medicine through the addition of a voluntary program in which students participate in rural medicine activities and clinical rotations longitudinally throughout their medical school education (yearly requirements depend on your class year). Completion of this program awards the student with a Rural Medicine Distinction at graduation (and on MSPE).
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In the Northeast, UVM, UMass, and Dartmouth all have rural tracks and all try to recruit applicants with interest in rural medicine.
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Virginia Tech which matches your state of residence. West Virginia and Marshall would be worth trying too.
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If you have that much experience, all you can do is ask admissions.

I2CRP at VCU: From the heart of Downtown Richmond, caring for rural Virginia and beyond
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Not sure if they are OOS friendly or not, and it's too annoying to look up on my phone, but here is a list of rural track programs in medical schools, plus some options for rural health education for medical students at any school: NRHA Student Resources | National Rural Health Association - NRHA

Some additional info from programs I know of...I believe Michigan State (MD) has a rural track (or at least it did when I applied 10 yrs ago). Central Michigan (MD) is in a rural area, Ohio University (DO) main campus is also fairly rural and has a good reputation. I have seen some talented alums from the Indiana University-Terre Haute (MD) campus. University of Illinois-Rockford (MD) has a rural emphasis and turns out absolutely STELLAR graduates.
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Hi all,

I have extensive experience with providing rural healthcare and education, and I'm looking at applying to medical schools that have a focus on rural medicine. I'm aware that a lot of DO schools are rurally focused and I plan on applying to several, as well as taking advantage of the linkage to one through my SMP. However, I'm also wanting to apply to some MD schools and have had some trouble finding sources on which ones have an emphasis on rural medicine?

I've heard UNR and Mercer University thrown around, but it seems that they're not OOS friendly from what I've seen?

Thanks so much for the insight and advice in advance :giggle:

Edit: I'll be a Virginia resident by the end of my SMP!
U of Colorado, UVM, which someone else mentioned, UW, UC Davis, U of Indiana, MSU CHM, and the Medical College of Wisconsin are all MD programs that have rural medicine tracks.
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Edit: I'll be a Virginia resident by the end of my SMP!
Depending on where in VA you'll be located by the end of your SMP, you might be in with a shot at ETSU (Quillen College of Medicine). They emphasize rural medicine and, while in-state heavy, they do give preferential consideration to OOS applicants who live in states that are within 250 or so miles of campus. I would also add West Virginia and Marshall as well.
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Central Michigan and Wright State! I got interviews at both and an A at one and I was an OOS student with no ties but heavy rural application!
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Louisville and Kentucky both have great rural tracks with scholarship funding. There are strong IS biases at both schools tho
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Depending on where in VA you'll be located by the end of your SMP, you might be in with a shot at ETSU (Quillen College of Medicine). They emphasize rural medicine and, while in-state heavy, they do give preferential consideration to OOS applicants who live in states that are within 250 or so miles of campus. I would also add West Virginia and Marshall as well.
I was looking at Quillen! I'm within the 250 mile radius and will have a decent amount of volunteer hours with rural Appalachian populations, so it's definitely on my radar :giggle:
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I was looking at Quillen! I'm within the 250 mile radius and will have a decent amount of volunteer hours with rural Appalachian populations, so it's definitely on my radar :giggle:
Excellent! From your background, I think you would be an excellent fit there and would be surprised if you didn't get an interview!!
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