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5+ Year Member
Sep 12, 2017
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Hi all,
I figured I'd make this thread, since I stumbled upon the dental scholars thread. Wondering if this program is worth it and if anyone has any other recent information on this program!
Anyone else accepted for the fall? :laugh:

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Was thinking about this program but still need to take my MCAT and complete my app as in getting good enough ECs. What did you have as ugrad GPA and MCAT score?
Hey! I got accepted into this program a couple weeks back for this fall! 🙂
UG gpa: 3.39, GRE verbal&quant sum: 321, have not taken MCAT yet

I'm actually debating between this program and the MBS offered at Rutgers Piscataway, if anyone has any information about differences between the two programs?
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Hey! I got accepted into this program a couple weeks back for this fall! 🙂
UG gpa: 3.39, GRE verbal&quant sum: 321, have not taken MCAT yet

I'm actually debating between this program and the MBS offered at Rutgers Piscataway, if anyone has any information about differences between the two programs?

Do you think taking the GRE was a better idea, just looking for some advice. my UG gpa is roughly the same.

What type of GRE did you take and did you use any prep courses beforehand for them.
Do you think taking the GRE was a better idea, just looking for some advice. my UG gpa is roughly the same.

What type of GRE did you take and did you use any prep courses beforehand for them.

Yes, GRE is totally doable, especially if programs accept GRE instead of MCAT and you're on a time crunch for applications!
I took the regular (General) GRE test, prepped for about a month using Kaplan GRE Prep Plus book + Kaplan GRE Vocabulary flashcards.
Hey all,

Just wanted to get some input from you guys, thanks in advance. I graduated with BS/MS in 2016 with a combined GPA of 3.05, I've been working as a scribe and at an accounting firm for the past 2 years. I needed the money to pay off my loans. Anyway, I took my MCAT without studying much and scored a 488. It's horrible I know. I've consulted with NJMS advisors and they's told me that this program is my best bet. However, with my GPA and MCAT score, could I get in to the MBS program this late in the application cycle?
Hi! I'm matriculating into this program this fall. Is there a facebook group for this or anything?
Hi! I'm matriculating into this program this fall. Is there a facebook group for this or anything?

facebook com/groups/189091368432605/

Thats the one!

System here wouldn't allow me to post a link smh