RVU vs ACOM vs Western (Lebanon)

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7+ Year Member
May 17, 2016
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I have been fortunate to be accepted into these schools (also CUSOM but really didn't like it at all). I appreciate all input. Pros/cons:

Pros: I love Colorado (am currently living here), require their students to take USMLE (I appreciate that), good match list, established rotations, not mandatory attendance, different tracks, students seemed to love their school
Con: Only thing I'm nervous about is that they were bought by St. George University. From my research it does not sound like it has changed anything at the school, but I just don't even like the fact that it's associated with them. Thoughts?

Pros: I could tell this school was very involved in the community, very small school and all the students (no matter what year) seemed to know each other, P/F, loved how invested the faculty seemed in their students, collaborative and nice people, not mandatory attendance
Cons: Smaller school, not connected to a big hospital, not stoked about moving to Oregon where I know no one

Pros: Very nice facilities, liked the city a lot
Cons: 80% mandatory attendance, you have to either wear business causal or scrubs

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Con: Only thing I'm nervous about is that they were bought by St. George University. From my research it does not sound like it has changed anything at the school, but I just don't even like the fact that it's associated with them. Thoughts?

I have messaged a few SDNers about their for-profit status. I haven’t found any account, so far, of students feeling like they’ve been ripped off in some way. I don’t know what students at other schools would be getting (as a financial benefit) that RVU students aren’t.

Also, yeah it was acquired by the owners of SGU. That being said, RVU was previously owned by the son of the owner of another Caribbean school (AUC, I think).

By my own assessment, their admissions numbers are on the higher side (for DO). Their match list is also one of the stronger ones. If I had to guess, it looks like they apply the Caribbean education-model (i.e., boards-centered curriculum) and applied it to a batch of (on average) stronger students.
Go RVU. ACOM mandatory attendance should be the deal breaker. I went there and wish I would’ve listened to people saying mandatory attendance is a non-starter if you have the choice